Robots and computers will not just eliminate our jobs; they will also dissolve important aspects of the family and our pair-bonded partnerships.
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You searched for: Computers
The FBI issued a PSA this week warning us of how hackers can take control of our cars. Its time for a software upgrade.
Is AI about to take over? Or does it struggle to be as smart as a toddler?
Many parents in China seek to teach their kids valuable coding skills, and they’re not the only ones.
An estimated 10 percent of the world’s population doesn’t have access to the Internet. Facebook’s Connectivity Lab is trying to find a way to bring isolated communities online, but in order to do so, it needs to know where they live.
Even if you have a good emotional mask, there’s a computer that can see through the cracks.
When you remove the content, all that’s left are soothing, colorful boxes.
Even most of the pros don’t know all 10. This post was contributed to Starts With A Bang by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity […]
Neuroscience research shows that variety is important for healthy individuals and healthy societies.
They cannot thrive in the current ecosystem.
We’re teaching robots to learn in all kinds of new ways.
Yes, conceivably. And if/when we achieve the levels of technology necessary for simulation, the universe will become our playground.
4 min
The science of “human vulnerabilities” is being used to “engineer compulsion.” In addition to A.D.D., “attention captivation disorders” are going viral.
Google’s self-driving car has been in an accident. The news is it’s the first time one of its autonomous vehicles has been at fault.
Think we’d never do better from the ground than from space? This adaptive optics system is proving this wrong! “This event marks the culmination of many years of hard work on […]
In a future full of distracted drivers, cars will need a way to communicate with the outside world.
The standing desk and the treadmill desk weren’t.
Robots could be considered legal drivers in the United States. This means human occupants inside the vehicle wouldn’t require a valid license in order to ride inside — the software would be the vehicle’s legal “driver.”
And why you shouldn’t even be asking a question like that. “If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.” –John F. […]
Knowing how to code becomes the next phase of literacy.
Since the dawn of automation, robots have been taking human jobs. But a short period of unemployment has always been followed by new kinds of jobs to offset this loss. This scenario may not be the case in the future.
How autonomous weapons will be utilized in our military is uncertain. Paul Scharre shares why their future use on the battlefield should be carefully considered.
That our atoms come from stars? You’ve got to think bigger than that! “The older people that one admires seem to be fearless. They go right out into the world. It’s […]
Building encryption into everyday services is more than just good business.
The Star Trek computer is close. Phasers can’t be far behind.
Scientists don’t always use normal words when explaining their research to the public. Here’s a quick and easy to guide to understanding those words for people who aren’t scientists.
An innovative wooden toy teaches children the basics of programming without the need for literacy or screen devices.
A group of researchers from MIT has thought of what the next anonymous network might look like.
It’s able to see patterns rather than all possible solutions.
Our technologies possess intention, delicately guiding and influencing our most human behaviors in ways we haven’t considered.