Painkillers have nasty side effects, such as organ damage or addiction. Researchers have discovered a new drug that may cause none of these.
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No matter how good our measurement devices get, certain quantum properties always possess an inherent uncertainty. Can we figure out why?
On-demand learning has become the cornerstone of a modern L&D strategy. Here’s why.
Scientific pluralism is the notion that some questions must be approached from many angles. How can we integrate these scientific models?
A new study used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure brain activity as inexperienced and experienced soccer players took penalty kicks.
A recently identified stage of sleep common to narcoleptics is a fertile source of creativity.
Employees are quitting at record rates – a trend that shows no signs of stopping.
New studies stretch the boundaries of physics, achieving quantum entanglement in larger systems.
New research suggests they may be in the connections between your brain cells.
As the skills gap grows, learning and development can help ensure the viability of an organization’s talent well into the future.
A brief passage from a recent UN report describes what could be the first-known case of an autonomous weapon, powered by artificial intelligence, killing in the battlefield.
A rift in thinking about who should control powerful new technologies sent the brothers on diverging paths. For one, the story ended with a mission to bring science to the public.
Revolutionary techniques for understanding brain functions in animals could soon help us understand how emotions guide our lives.
The more social behaviors a voice-user interface exhibits, the more likely people are to trust it, engage with it, and consider it to be competent.
The metaverse may leave us perpetually unsure whether the people we encounter are authentic or high-quality fakes.
It took a series of ingenious experiments in the 20th century to uncover some of our biggest cognitive biases.
A future kitchen appliance could make it possible to 3D-print entirely new recipes and cook them with lasers.
Soft skills training can help develop transformation-ready employees and equip entire organizations to adapt to an unpredictable future.
Hybrid working, robot fast food workers, and the rapid acceleration of NFTs are just the beginning.
Jupiter’s mysterious auroral events are caused by vibrating waves of plasma.
“In our studies, people who are more intelligent don’t mind wander so often when the task is hard but can do it more when tasks are easy.”
Ultrasound might be able to damage the novel coronavirus in the same way an opera singer’s voice can shatter a wine glass.
It is time to give the Russian cosmologist the credit he deserves.
Scientists are seeking ways to safely connect computers to the brain.
We have two descriptions of the Universe that work perfectly well: General Relativity and quantum physics. Too bad they don’t work together.
Light-emitting tattoos could indicate dehydration in athletes or health conditions in hospital patients.
It’s that time of year when the hours of meticulous wrapping of Christmas toys are viciously undone in seconds by tiny children.
Today, we could use Big Data to radically reform democracy. Tomorrow, we could build nanofabricators and usher in an era of abundance. Is society ready?
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A new study upends a long-standing theory on how the brain plans motor actions in uncertain environments.