Probability, lacking solid theoretical foundations and burdened with paradoxes, was jokingly called the “theory of misfortune.”
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Maybe eyes really are windows into the soul — or at least into the brain, as a new study finds.
If there are three neutrino species, all with different masses, then how is energy conserved when they oscillate from one flavor to another?
Science has come a long way since Mary Shelley penned “Frankenstein.” But we still grapple with the same questions.
Two very different ideas, wormholes and quantum entanglement, might be fundamentally related. What would “ER = EPR” mean for our Universe?
Evidence shows that information is transmitted via “complex contagion.”
We bring multifaceted selves to our interactions, and in these interactions co-create each other again and again.
“I thought, why not direct these high-power beams, instead of into fusion plasma, down into rock and vaporize the hole?”
What most people don’t realize is that everyone’s imagery is different.
We cannot deduce laws about a higher level of complexity by starting with a lower level of complexity. Here, reductionism meets a brick wall.
The cognitive scientist argues the current AI environment is failing us as consumers and a society. But it’s not too late to change course.
There was a lot of hype and a lot of nonsense, but also some profoundly major advances. Here are the biggest ones you may have missed.
Their goal is a digital model of the Earth that depicts climate change in all of its complexity.
Iceland consistently ranks as the most gender-equal nation. It is also the nation where men and women are most likely to pursue sex-typical jobs.
We should all pause to appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty of the Universe.
Dreams are weird. According to a new theory, that’s what makes them useful.
Discussions of human evolution are usually backward looking, as if the greatest triumphs and challenges were in the distant past.
A new AI-generated map of dark matter shows previously undiscovered filamentary structures connecting galaxies.
Research shows that those who spend more time speaking tend to emerge as the leaders of groups, regardless of their intelligence.
When making any tough decision, the key is not to be overly exploratory or exploitative.
A thought experiment from 1867 leads scientists to design a groundbreaking information engine.
The great hope is that beyond the indirect, astrophysical evidence we have today, we’ll someday detect it directly. But what if we can’t?
Most people have a distorted view of what being a scientist is like. Scientists need to make a greater effort to challenge stereotypes.
The dream of zero resistance is closer than you may think. One of the biggest physical problems in modern society is resistance. Not political or social resistance, mind you, but electrical […]
If you ask your maps app to find “restaurants that aren’t McDonald’s,” you won’t like the result.
Safety through technology is no bad thing—Nietzsche himself sought doctors and medicines throughout his life—but it can become pathological.
The pulse took just 35 hours to cover the whole world.
Russia’s cyberattacks against Ukraine have been prolific and ongoing for several years. The future of war may begin in cyberspace.
Can we ever make energy efficient AI?