What makes something a hit or a flop? Sit and ponder that one, and you’ll find it’s a stumper. At first, the answer seems obvious: popularity. That’s not quite right […]
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A new artificial intelligence method removes the effect of gravity on cosmic images, showing the real shapes of distant galaxies.
All the latest titles from the experts at MIT.
The strangest thing about trying to predict the future is that our only clues lie in the past.
“To be ignorant of causes is to be frustrated in action.” So wrote Francis Bacon, counsel to Queen Elizabeth I of England and key architect of the scientific method. In […]
Done properly, peer review requires that journals fulfill their role as knowledge custodians, rather than being mere knowledge distributors.
Many atheists think of themselves as intellectually gifted individuals, guiding humanity on the path of reason. Scientific data shows otherwise.
Researchers discovered a galactic wind from a supermassive black hole that sheds light on the evolution of galaxies.
Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza?
What happens when simulation theory becomes more than a fascinating thought experiment?
These studies are only the tip of the iceberg, with adverse consequence of the time change ranging from student test scores to stock market returns.
If you want to understand what the Universe is, how it began, evolved, and will eventually end, astrophysics is the only way to go.
A black woman most have never heard of made GPS possible. Over the span of a single lifetime, the world has changed in ways that would have been virtually unimaginable […]
Augmented reality (AR) contact lenses will project the digital world into our retinas, perhaps helping us navigate the metaverse.
Solving difficult visual puzzles seems to help the brain “rewire” itself by forming new neural pathways.
Controversial physics theory says reality around us behaves like a computer neural network.
A strange philosophical thought experiment forces us to ask if the world can be completely described in physical terms.
Many contemporary composers live in the shadow of Bach and Beethoven, even though they’re just as interesting to listen to.
A powerful new tool lights up the brains of worms, and may soon help draw maps of other animals brains.
In a world without “bullshit jobs,” we would have more hours available to us to learn new skills and to unleash our creative side.
The beauty of this magical medicine called silence is that it is available to all of us, even in cities, if only we care to listen.
A recent study illuminated surprising differences in how men and women seek help when struggling with relationships.
Trees store carbon dioxide, have a cooling effect in cities, and reduce flood risks.
There are so many problems, all across planet Earth, that harm and threaten humanity. Why invest in researching the Universe?
A new paper reveals that the Voyager 1 spacecraft detected a constant hum coming from outside our Solar System.
After 100 million nights of people asking, “What are those twinkly lights?” it is pretty remarkable that we happen to live in one of the first generations that actually knows the answer.
Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use?
From boosting empathy to improving therapy, virtual reality is poised to change our ideas of the self.
The model is almost eight hours ahead of a doctor’s recognition of a patient’s deterioration.
A recent study analyzed the skulls of early Homo species to learn more about the evolution of primate brains.