In their continuing efforts to warn us of the threats of climate change, researchers regularly note new harms being produced by a rapidly changing biosphere. Sometimes the threats are […]
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You searched for: Birds
What has already silenced the voices of spring in countless towns in America?
Larry Arnhart, that rare student of political philosophy who claims to be Darwinian all the way down, criticizes me for saying Darwin is only partly right: Of course, many people […]
I study animals not to understand humans necessarily although that has become my business, of course.
“We can’t afford it!” Insert the frothing face of the Republican congressperson of your choice above that phrase and you have a pretty comprehensive picture of the current debate in […]
A new study that examined 30 years’ worth of data on cliff swallows shows that “vehicular selection” contributed to a drastic drop in the number of birds killed by cars during the period.
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirms that 33 people have been infected with the H7N9 strain of influenza which has mutated from its feathered source to infect humans.
For some years now I’ve been involved with a small community group. It’s a shoe-string organization that depends entirely on volunteers. These curious creatures have a predictable life-cycle. It begins […]
Where were you when you first learned that there are plastic landfills the size of continents floating in our oceans? What should have been a wake-up call hasn’t slowed the […]
“Sure, today’s Olympics are corrupt, rife with cheating, and riddled with scandal, but at least today’s games aspire to the noble ideals of the ancient Greeks—amateurism, fair play, and peace,” […]
In China, authorities are asking how dangerous the avian flu virus might become. Thus far, there have been over a hundred reported cases and more than twenty deaths.
It took India’s Jadav “Molai” Payeng 30 years to plant what’s now a 1,360-acre haven for birds and other animals. He says the second one may take another 30 years “but I am optimistic about it.”
Lower your expectations now. You’ll find yourself much more satisfied by the end.
The liner is made out of a special type of cardboard that mimics the layer of spongy cartilage separating the bird’s beak from its skull.
Recent studies suggest that Americans might be the worst research subjects on the planet. As one writer put it recently, “researchers had been doing the equivalent of studying penguins while believing that they were learning insights applicable to all birds.”
The gap between invention and implementation is beset by a bias: when in doubt we prefer the status quo, even when solutions to deficiencies are apparent. Is it any wonder […]
Draw two dots above a straight line, place them in a circle, and even children a few years old will spot the semblance with a human countenance. Whether it’s the features […]
When we think of technology’s early adopters, we tend to think of the young hipsters in tech hubs like New York or San Francisco, testing out all the cool new apps, gadgets […]
Ever feel sorry for a sidewalk sparrow with a cigarette butt in its beak? Did you sigh in wistful sadness at seeing nature’s beauty polluted by human industry, which turns […]
The Holocaust is a touchy subject anywhere on earth, but touchiest at the capitol of the country where “The Final Solution” began. Germany and its capitol, Berlin, still struggle with […]
The origin of Valentine’s Day has nothing to do with love and everything to do with “torturous martyrdom.” On second thought, perhaps the origin of Valentine’s Day has a great deal to do with love.
“Ain’t got no rest in my slumbers/ Ain’t got no feelings to bruise/ Ain’t got no telephone numbers/ I ain’t got nothing but the blues,” goes Jazz composer Duke Ellington’s […]
White blood cells called T-cells tend to attack a wider range of invaders than antibodies. If a vaccine sensitizes them to internal flu proteins, they could potentially kill all types of flu.
Songkick, a music promotion site, has added a feature that follows the Kickstarter model to let fans book a tour.
What was first, the chicken or the map? That question is perhaps as unanswerable as the one featuring hen vs. egg [1]. Not that it matters. Stare long enough at […]
Residue of second-generation blood thinner-type poisons are increasingly being found in the livers of dead birds and other predator animals.
With Big Bird’s surreal moment in the national spotlight, last Wednesday evening marked not only the first Presidential Debate of 2012 but also America’s first national political Kidult moment.
A new study indicates that, contrary to expectations based on increased awareness and conservation, bird species have been dying out at increased rates since the middle of the 20th century.
I’ve never seen an albatross but I’m told the regal bird can glide for hundreds of miles without flapping his wings. On land, however, the large wings drag like “drifting […]
When the new BiblioTech library opens in San Antonio, Texas later this year, it will become the nation’s first “bookless public library” — everything is going to be digital, the library will rent out […]