A team of Canadian scientists have confirmed what Internet users already know: trolls are sadists and suffer from other personality disorders. In the wild worldwide web, where anyone can be […]
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You searched for: Big Think
And if not, how do you reason with those who believe they are? “Ignorance is hardly unusual, Miss Davar. The longer I live, the more I come to realize that […]
From atoms to solar systems to galaxies, everything seems to have rotation and revolution. Where does that come from? Image credit: Fermilab / DOE / Dark Energy camera; Dark Energy […]
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg famously argued in Lean In that women need to stand up for themselves in order to secure equality in the workplace. But what happens when leaning in backfires? Some women have found that negotiating their job offers puts them at risk of being sent away empty-handed.
So-called “patent trolls” — companies with the sole aim of suing over patents — have been a scourge to big companies for years. Now a new study reveals that patent trolls harm startups as well as venture capitalists shy away from investing billions of dollars.
Overstock.com’s CEO Patrick Byrne wants to increase the popularity of Bitcoin, according to a profile by Forbes. The large discount retail site has enacted features that reward customers paying with […]
Nikola Tesla was a rare genius who never received the recognition he deserved while alive. (He was overshadowed by his former boss and rival Thomas Edison). Tesla gave us neon […]
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to resume his nation’s commercial whaling ventures in the Antarctic seas despite the International Court of Justice’s ruling in March forbidding it.
Clarity suffers when speech becomes cluttered with filler words and phrases. Cleaning up your diction is easy with these simple strategies.
More potential evidence that we may not be alone in the universe. Kepler telescope discovered 715 new planets beyond our solar system. So far, NASA has identified four of these […]
Much weight falls on the shoulders of the executive branch’s mouth.
Researchers believe women who have their last child after 33 are more likely to live into their late nineties. The findings are a matter of genes, meaning the relationship between late motherhood and long life is correlative, not causative.
Borat Who? The oil-rich former Soviet country is becoming a major player in the world energy sector, building ties with both Russia and the United States.
Michael Sandel: I think the reason we have such an impoverished public debate is that we are too reluctant to take on hard controversial, but important moral questions that really go to the heart of the question of what kind of society do we want to live in.
Here’s an exciting first which hopefully indicates a promising trend: This year women outnumber men in UC Berkeley’s introductory computer science course. The field is vastly dominated by men, and […]
Tim Harford presents two surprising examples when explaining how recessions work. A contributor to the Financial Times and author of five books, including his latest, The Undercover Economist Strikes Back, […]
WASHINGTON, DC – There are two leading views about the world’s financial system. The first, heard mostly from executives at leading global banks and their allies, is that the system […]
A recent study published in Psychology of Women Quarterly reveals that most women are disgusted by the thought of female body hair or the thought of themselves not shaving. The stigma of female body hair no doubt stems from societal pressure, but perhaps there’s a scientific explanation as well.
New empirical approaches to psychology are better defining the introvert/extravert dichotomy. Behavior typically belonging to introverts better reflects a new identity category: Openness to Experience.
James Watson: I think we’re all in favor of being alive when we’re alive. And of course, it’s how you define being alive.
The American film and television industries take advantage of billions of dollars in tax incentives doled out by local governments. Where producers and politicians see investment, Allysia Finley of The Wall Street Journal sees shameless corporate welfare.
Andreas Schleicher, the Acting Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), on how education can help students meet the challenges of today.
At a time when we’re stilling debating creationism vs. evolution, it’s critical for science to be brought into people’s homes through a world-class TV show. Carl Sagan’s hit series “Cosmos” […]
Online advertising company Ultramercial is currently suing video streaming company Hulu, “alleging that Hulu violates its patent on forcing viewers to watch a commercial before playing copyrighted content.”
Big Think is posting a series of three videos in which I discuss how to use thought leadership strategically. Surely the tactics of content marketing should connect to those strategic […]
Do you know all of them, and what makes them so bright? Image credit: source unknown, but it contains #7 and #9 on the list, via http://st.gdefon.com/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/428170_orion_yupiter_betelgejze_rigel_aldebaran_pleyady_y_7408x4602_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg. “I’m hungry for […]
When the President gives a speech today, the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin tells Big Think, “you might hear the pundits tearing it down before he even finishes the speech.”
New technology in the dental field will give patients an all new reason to smile. Scientists in London have unveiled new pain-free, self-repairing fillings to treat tooth decay.
Every bad habit can be broken. All it takes is perseverance and a smart strategy.
Charles Vest, the legendary former president of MIT, has died. Back in 2007 he told Big Think that his fascination with all things physical grew out of taking discarded things apart and building something new with them.