Austin and Seattle, echelons of early adopters and “Keep My City Weird” bumper stickers, will be the first cities in the US to receive Bitcoin ATMs. After a successful pilot […]
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You searched for: Big Think
Three to six months after becoming parents, a quarter of fathers and nearly half of all mothers exhibit signs of clinical depression, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
“Nudge” policies are spreading across the globe because they supposedly offer a less expensive and more effective way to get people to make the “right” decisions. In the original formulation, such decisions are defined as those that people would like to have made, had they not been hobbled and blinkered at the time by irresistible irrationality.
There are many ways to transmit big ideas – through videos, through the written word, or as the title of this blog attests, through pictures that are worth more than 1,000 words.
John Davies is an expert on bringing technology into classrooms. As the general manager of the Intel World Ahead Program, Davies’ mission is to understand how to increase access to […]
We are made of exploding stars: from the iron in our blood to the calcium in our bones. It all comes from supernova explosions, and now researchers can look inside […]
NASA posted a photo today of the Lighthouse nebula. The image shows the aftermath of a supernova, including a runaway pulsar and a spiraling jet that’s 37 light-years long, which […]
On his blog, Caltech physicist Sean Carroll explains how if you accept quantum mechanics, it is not difficult to accept the multiple universes hypothesis.
A new way of thinking about our biology–or rather, a very old way–is essential if we are to collectively solve the existential problems that face humanity, says UC Berkeley physicist Fritjof Capra.
When two masters come together like the great filmmaker Errol Morris shooting a documentary about Stephen Hawking, one would expect the film to be on everyone’s list of favorites. But […]
I knew things weren’t going well when I rounded a bend on Ocean Parkway, a highway that slices through the eastern neighborhoods of Brooklyn on its way to Coney Island. […]
In a new dance routine, Japanese dance troupe ElevenPlay explores the relationship between the body and technology by dancing with drones programmed by designer Daito Manabe.
There’s plenty of gas, dust, planets and rocky bodies out there. Could some combination of them explain dark matter? Image credit: Chris Blake and Sam Moorfield, via “When a […]
We don’t know the nature of either dark matter or dark energy: 95% of our Universe. Does that mean the Big Bang is in doubt? Image credit: wiseGEEK, © 2003 — 2014 […]
Syracuse is adding itself to a growing list of cities that want to remove highways running through urban centers. Cities such as Milwaukee and San Francisco successfully tore down highways and ushered in an age of urban development and renewal.
The high-tech in your car may be spying on you as you drive. The navigation and infotainment systems in dashboards and in black boxes located under hoods can collect our […]
Did you watch “Cosmos” last night? The show was trending on Twitter during its broadcast, which is a good sign that television watchers crave shows that make them smarter. As […]
Neil deGrasse Tyson recently joined the ranks of Stephen Hawking, Richard Feynman, and Lawrence Krauss when he called philosophy “distracting” and criticized it for not offering the kinds of tangible gains of science.
As Stephen Hawking argued here on Big Think, humans must find another Earth or our species will be wiped out. Luckily, NASA has been acting as our real-estate agent. NASA […]
Anne Wojcicki, co-founder of 23andMe, tells Big Think that people should have access to anything that is fundamentally theirs.
And if not, how do you reason with those who believe they are? “Ignorance is hardly unusual, Miss Davar. The longer I live, the more I come to realize that […]
On July 4, 2012 a team of physicists in Switzerland announced one of the biggest discoveries in science: the Higgs boson–the “God particle” that could explain why all matter has […]
Are you a fan of Elise Andrew’s Facebook page “I Fucking Love Science” as much as we are? Good news! The social media sensation, with over 10 million “Likes” on […]
From atoms to solar systems to galaxies, everything seems to have rotation and revolution. Where does that come from? Image credit: Fermilab / DOE / Dark Energy camera; Dark Energy […]
A team of Canadian scientists have confirmed what Internet users already know: trolls are sadists and suffer from other personality disorders. In the wild worldwide web, where anyone can be […]
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg famously argued in Lean In that women need to stand up for themselves in order to secure equality in the workplace. But what happens when leaning in backfires? Some women have found that negotiating their job offers puts them at risk of being sent away empty-handed.
So-called “patent trolls” — companies with the sole aim of suing over patents — have been a scourge to big companies for years. Now a new study reveals that patent trolls harm startups as well as venture capitalists shy away from investing billions of dollars.’s CEO Patrick Byrne wants to increase the popularity of Bitcoin, according to a profile by Forbes. The large discount retail site has enacted features that reward customers paying with […]
Nikola Tesla was a rare genius who never received the recognition he deserved while alive. (He was overshadowed by his former boss and rival Thomas Edison). Tesla gave us neon […]
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to resume his nation’s commercial whaling ventures in the Antarctic seas despite the International Court of Justice’s ruling in March forbidding it.