Robert Pinsky: I think skepticism toward things like titles, good reviews, what the world calls distinctions, recognitions, can become mechanical, but it’s a good armor too.
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You searched for: Big Think
Young artists are fleeing New York and searching for new, accessible locales to set up shop. Detroit’s budding arts scene has welcomed them with open arms.
If we came to be just a few billion years earlier, we’d never know. Image credit: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT) & Giovanni Anselmi (Coelum Astronomia), Hawaiian Starlight. “After all the ‘Universe’ […]
Providing an insight that helped me to solve a problem that I didn’t know was there – that, in effect, is a form of serendipity.
Tim Ferriss: I have learned tango, kickboxing, languages – all this crazy stuff. It’s because I had a method and that is a method that you can use.
A theoretical contradiction may lie at the heart of the multiverse theory, which says that our universe is but one in a series of potentially infinite universes.
If someone is drowning, that’s not a time you can teach them to swim.
From the country whose hit shows have featured slow boat rides and bird box video streams comes “Kisten” (“The Coffin”) in which famous people spend time thinking about and preparing for their future final send-off.
God doesn’t answer back. That’s the problem. Humans can.
What it means if there’s no life anywhere else in the Universe, and what we know so far. “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves […]
The marketplace of ideas would be a lot stodgier and less fluid—and more dangerously larded with lies—if it weren’t for humor. As Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert show night after […]
The challenge we have in a democracy is that we can change our minds depending on which party is in power.
General relativity sure does make some counterintuitive predictions. “They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.”–Steven Wright Each week on Ask Ethan, I take a dive […]
Susan Barry: It’s a good idea to see a developmental optometrist and determine whether or not binocular vision issues are impacting your child’s ability to read.
Neutrino physics is becoming more popular and attractive since it is, relatively speaking, cheaper than big accelerator physics compared to the cost of, for example, the Large Hadron Collider.
In a new paper, two Dutch researchers suggest that locally-sourced meat could come from “village-scale” culturing of livestock stem cells in a biotech reactor.
Dan Savage: I’ve often felt it’s very empowering to acknowledge what you don’t know.
Punishment – mild, severe, abusive – changes behavior only at the moment it is delivered.
About a year and a half ago, I was working at a boutique documentary production company. We were housed in a lofty Soho space, owned by a bigger company, and […]
William Sahlman: Without overconfidence, I’m convinced entrepreneurship wouldn’t take place.
Despite a media-driven narrative that the World Cup and similar events promote international unity, passion-driven sports events have a tendency to bring out the worst in people.
In order to put the right economic policies in place, we need a generally well-educated public who understand the value of these policies in the first place.
Is there an origin to time itself, and if so, what did it look like? “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry […]
Nitin Nohria: If you make others around you feel that you took the best advantage of every opportunity you were given, I promise you, you will get more opportunity in the future.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the ways in which healthy social relationships can extend life. A new one suggests that domestic strife can shorten life…even when the only weapons are words.
From Eliott Johnson’s Super Bubble gum ritual to Carlos Quentin’s pre-game “aura spray,” baseball players are notoriously superstitious. This naturally raises the question of why. In the second part of […]
From a certain view, the most probing question Alexis de Tocqueville had to answer in Democracy inAmerica is “Why are the Americans so restless in the midst of prosperity?” Why […]
Race may be genetic in that scientists, who have sequenced the genomes of thousands of people from around the world, can distinguish between races based on an individual’s genetic code.
Do you add to the energy in the room or suck the energy out?
The legendary Apollo astronaut and 2nd man to walk the moon visited Reddit for an engaging AMA featuring discussion about Elon Musk, Mars, and — naturally — ice cream.