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Dominic Basulto

Digital Thinker, Electric Artists

Dominic Basulto is a digital thinker at Electric Artists in New York and a contributor to The Washington Post's Ideas@Innovations blog. He is working on a manuscript of a new book on innovation called "Endless Innovation, Most Beautiful and Most Wonderful."



n nToday is American pi day. Using the American convention of representing today’s date as 03.14.07, it’s easy to see why mathematicians are so excited about today’s date, which very […]
The notion of corporate R&D is undergoing a radical transformation. Instead of viewing research and development as separate silos of an organization staffed by separate employees, companies are now working […]
In an opinion piece for Management Issues (“The Cosmic Egg of Change”), Max McKeown points out that organizations often approach innovation as if they were dealing with a blank slate. […]
n nCoors Light is planning a new online advertising campaign, scheduled for mid-April, that will promote 4:53 as the new 5:00 for office workers. That’s right — the company is […]
The Chinese economy could finally be showing signs of cooling. Already, Chinese government officials have publicly warned that annual economic growth rates could soon dip below 8%, and most of […]