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Rarely has so much buzz surrounded a Big Think guest. It was our pleasure today to have historian of technology Dr. Rachel Maines in to discuss her bestselling 1999 volume, […]
After President Obama’s recent speeches—one at West Point proposing sending more troops to Afghanistan and one accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo—commentators have been quick to articulate the “Obama […]
Graphic novel “Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth” is surprisingly fun, despite the book’s subject being analytical philosophy’s search for the foundations of mathematics.
Computer viruses which “attack your dignity” have been rampaging through social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, sending embarrassing messages to friends and co-workers.
Last night the world’s most prolific “annual cosmic fireworks show” twinkled across the night sky with the peak of the Geminid meteor shower.
Astronomers claim to have accurately measured the distance from Earth to a black hole for the first time and have found it is much closer than initially presumed.
Debt-laden Dubai will receive a welcome cash injection from neighbouring Abu Dhabi, which has agreed to provide $10bn in financing to help steer the region out of difficulties.
US President Barack Obama told talk-show-host Oprah Winfrey last night that he feels he deserves a “good, solid B+” for his first 11 months in office.
Iranian authorities have reportedly arrested several people in connection with the destruction of photographs of the country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Paper could be used to power your laptop according to scientists who have developed a high tech battery from the standard writing surface by coating it in special materials.
Nearly 1,000 people were arrested in the Danish capital last night while protesting the lack of progress at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.
More than perhaps any other genre, poetry has the ability to unite past and present into a unified experience. Whether drawing from scattered memories of random passersby, the Napoleonic Wars, […]
Tech Crunch (syndicated by the Washington Post) introduced us today to Blippy, a social media website that will publish your spending habits online. Although I expect Blippy to be a […]