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Osama Bin Laden’s closest family is reportedly in hiding in a secret compound in Iran. The group allegedly includes his wife and children who disappeared after the 9/11 attacks.
Chimpanzees remain remarkably cool when faced with fire and are able to react with “near human ability” to protect themselves under threat from wildfire, according to scientists.
The issue of abortion could still blow up the Democrat’s move to pass a universal health care bill according to pro-life activists and some Republicans.
A verdict on the trial of China’s most prominent dissident will be reached on Christmas day following a hearing which lasted just two hours.
An American Airlines plane has crashed in Jamaica injuring 40 after it overshot the runway, according to aviation authority reports.
What do the Egyptian pyramids, the Mona Lisa and George Clooney’s face all have in common? The “golden ratio” according to The Independent writer Steve Connor.
A new study, dubbed the “smiley scale”, has ranked each American state by happiness – revealing that dwellers of the Big Apple were the least, er smiley.
The Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was in town four days before the fall of Kabul in November 2001 in “remarkably good spirits” before slipping indefinitely from U.S grasp.
Despite Pentagon denial of safety breaches, an anonymous U.S Air Force official is claiming that Iraqi militants are staying a step ahead of American forces by intercepting surveillance feeds.
The angels, cherubs and putti depicted in Christmas nativity scenes are “anatomically flawed” according to a scientist who claims they would never be able to fly with their flimsy wings.
A 125m-year-old dinosaur species resembling a bird used venom to subdue its prey according to a new theory based on the shape of some of the creature’s teeth.
As the Philippines-based volcano Mount Mayon continues to show signs of erupting residents who are refusing evacuation are being asked to sign waivers by rescue services.
Israel has admitted harvesting organs from the bodies of Palestinians and Israelis without permission from their families during the 1990s.
A top rabbi has accused the Pope of “insensitivity” towards Jews after he moved his World War II era predecessor Pope Pius XII a step close to sainthood.
The “Arbeit macht frei” sign stolen from Auschwitz on Friday has been recovered in Northern Poland and five men are now being questioned by police.
Early this morning the Democrats won a major victory in the push for health care reform after the Senate voted to end debate on a package of controversial revisions to the bill.