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A new study has isolated stem cells in human ovaries that could be developed into mature eggs, or ova. This discovery “opens the door for development of unprecedented technologies to overcome infertility in women and perhaps even delay the timing of ovarian failure.”
Whatever happens next week on Super Tuesday, the race for the Republican nomination is likely going to go on for a while. By winning the Arizona and the Michigan primaries […]
Have you ever considered for yourself what love actually is?  Or do you assume you know what love is, based on what others may have said about this all-important topic? […]
What’s the Big Idea? Officially released for the TED2012 conference, this clip (above) is the latest trailer for the upcoming summer blockbuster Prometheus. Director Ridley Scott has said the movie is set […]
Every Wednesday, Dr. Michio Kaku answers reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below and check back on Wednesdays to see if he answers it. Today, Dr. Kaku addresses this question: What is the most dangerous technology?   
A recent report from Birmingham, England, announced that millions of British children were “culture starved.” Their proof of starvation came in the form of a survey of 2,000 parents from […]
In defence of Alberto Giubilini, Francesca Minerva and the Journal of Medical Ethics, as per the recent publication about killing newborn infants. This essentially is an open letter of solidarity […]