Reconnecting muscle pairs allows for better sensory feedback from the limb.
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What’s to blame for the recent uptick in containership accidents?
Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago find that death triggers increased activity in certain brain cells.
Scalars, vectors, and tensors come up all the time in science. But what are they? One of the major goals of science is to describe our reality as accurately as possible. […]
Results from an experiment using the Large Hadron Collider challenges the accepted model of physics.
Not only does this give us a look at the scaffolding of the universe, we found some new galaxies too!
75 years after Erwin Schrödinger’s prescient description of something like DNA, we still don’t know the “laws of life.”
Humans are more likely to have “first contact” with an advanced alien civilization, according to a recent NASA-funded paper.
How do you get usable phosphorus into a system? A new study suggests lightning can do the trick.
James Gillray’s ‘plumb-pudding’ caricature is “probably the most famous political cartoon of all time.”
At first blush, the damages done by sexual harassment seem obvious. Make that incredibly obvious. Such behavior exposes our organizations to legal consequences and the subsequent financial fallout. And in […]
Is a proton fundamentally more ‘quarky’ or ‘gluey’ in nature? One question that every curious child winds up asking at some point or other is, “what are things made of?” Every […]
Two new studies examine ways we could engineer human wormhole travel.
A new study explores how using positive labels to describe a majority group may negative impact perceptions of minority groups.
After years of speculation a team of researchers has pinpointed the age of this ancient mystery.
Here are the best answers science has to a myriad of commonly asked questions. Over the past 12 months, the status of humans on planet Earth has changed dramatically. The […]
The European currency features buildings that didn’t exist, until Spijkenisse made them in concrete
Digitized logbooks from the 1800s reveal a steep decline in strike rate for whalers.
In recent years, women have made incredible strides in the business world. Forty-one women currently lead Fortune 500 companies. While that remains an unacceptably low percentage (8 percent) overall, it […]
The most massive nearby stars could be the seeds our supermassive black holes need. The problem with the Universe, as we see it today, is that we only get a snapshot […]
For some philosophers, hope is a second-rate way of relating to reality.
Intrinsic religiosity has a protective effect against depression symptoms.
The ‘reasonable person’ represents someone who is both common and good.
One image can give over 100 times the data we now get from Hubble. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, revealed the previously unseen Universe. The most distant galaxy ever […]
A 50-year study reveals changing values children learned from pop culture.
People may be more willing to get vaccinated when told how popular it is.
Sound waves behave quite differently on Mars than on Earth.
Spirituality can be an uncomfortable word for atheists. But does it deserve the antagonism that it gets?
Yet, if they only obey the rules that we know, there’s no way to explain why. One of the greatest puzzles in all of physics is that the laws of nature — as […]
Circle spoofing is an advanced form of GPS manipulation – but nobody knows exactly how, or why.