Once a book is published, who gets to interpret it? Us or the author?
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Scientists believe they have the answer, but philosophers prove them wrong.
A five-year-old reading a picture book in her pillow fort. A college student and his friends at the midnight matinee. A ninety-year-old watching her soaps. What do they have in […]
If you’ve ever struggled with the strong force, this explanation is a life-saver. If you ask someone to think about some physical phenomenon that’s responsible for any sort of force […]
The size of rabbits and hares has long been evolutionarily constrained by competitors roughly their size.
American universities used to be small centers of rote learning, but three big ideas turned them into intellectual powerhouses.
We can describe what we see happening, but we don’t understand why. Despite our vast cosmic knowledge, enormous unknowns remain. The quantum fluctuations inherent to space, stretched across the Universe […]
A study from Carnegie Mellon University tracks the travels of tarantulas since the Cretaceous period.
Map shows Europe’s imminent Great Leap Forward in battery cell production
While Mars is known as a frozen, red planet today, it has all the evidence we could ask for of a watery past, lasting for approximately the first 1.5 billion […]
The research suggests that roughly 1 percent of galaxy clusters look atypical and can be easily misidentified.
A recent study used fMRI to compare the brains of psychopathic criminals with a group of 100 well-functioning individuals, finding striking similarities.
Counterintuitively, directly combating misinformation online can spread it further. A different approach is needed.
In a 2018 article, Gallup writer Ryan Pendell shared some frightening figures for business leaders. Public poll data showed that only a quarter of employees believed their leaders had a […]
Because of our ability to think about thinking, “the gap between ape and man is immeasurably greater than the one between amoeba and ape.”
We’ve almost got the entire story. James Webb will put the last piece into place. In all of science, there are really only two ways that something can be “known” to […]
It is impossible for science to arrive at ultimate truths, but functional truths are good enough.
Using urinals, psychological collages, and animated furniture to shock us into reality.
Two different studies provide further evidence of the efficacy of psychedelics in treating depression.
At just 3 solar masses, it eliminates the “mass gap.” Searching for black holes is one of the most difficult astronomical games a scientist can play. Emitting no light of their […]
A Harvard professor’s study discovers the worst year to be alive.
A newly discovered coronavirus — but not the one that causes COVID-19 — has made some dogs very sick.
Certain companies feel magical. Though the spells they cast may be unique, each emits an aura that delights customers, attracts top talent, and impels the culture to pay attention. Apple […]
And is anyone protecting children’s data?
The Big Theoretical Physics Problem At The Center Of The ‘Muon g-2’ Puzzle In early April, 2021, the experimental physics community announced an enormous victory: they had measured the muon’s magnetic […]
A recent study of Iceland’s Krafla volcanic caldera suggests hidden magma pools may be lurking under many of the world’s volcanic systems.
Neuroplasticity is a major driver of learning and memory in humans.
Oxygen is thought to be a biomarker for extraterrestrial life, but there are at least three different ways that a lifeless planet can produce it.
How can researchers map something as complex as the human brain?
Without the now-obscure land investment affair, Georgia might have been a “super state.”