Recent observational evidence is helping to resolve the age-old debate over whether animals experience the same pleasurable feelings that humans do during sex.
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Although Twitter is hailed as a democratic medium for the dissemination of marginalized political views, experts have found that it is mostly an echo chamber for the opinions expressed by elite television personalities.
The average American with a full-time job works 1,700 hours a year. That’s a lot of hours. Given how much time we spend with our co-workers, shouldn’t we want to […]
How glassworker Loren Stump’s artwork is pushing the boundaries of the artform into uncharted waters. “I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things. The glass is […]
Mindfulness meditation works on the brain by decoupling regions that have tended to function together.
A new partnership between Twitter and the Weather Channel will customize target ads based on users’ locations and the current weather.
A vast reservoir of water exists beneath the Earth’s surface, enough to fill the oceans three times over, say a team of American scientists who have produced the first direct evidence of the water.
An Idaho School Board is considering a new social media policy that forbids teachers from friending, following, or posting about students and their parents. The policy change stems from an incident involving a high school basketball teacher who was fired over a controversial photo.
Food labeling is about to get more honest after the Supreme Court ruled against Coca-Cola in a lawsuit brought against the soda giant by POM Wonderful. Coca-Cola had been labeling a juice “Pomegratate-Blueberry” despite the fact that the product contained less than 1% pomegranate.
By 2025, one in five nanotechnology professionals will hail from India, according to a new study. Investments in personnel and infrastructure will determine the breadth of India’s presence in the industry.
How do we know how old the most distant objects we see actually are? “Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back […]
The creator of television shows such as Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy told Dartmouth graduates on Sunday to fight for causes with action, not hashtags. Her attack on Twitter (in)activism has been lauded by some, panned by others.
MILAN – Digital technologies are once again transforming global value chains and, with them, the structure of the global economy. What do businesses, citizens, and policymakers need to know as […]
Here’s some inspiration for your next overnight flight. NASA released this photograph taken by an intrepid passenger on a 747. This is not your ordinary #airplane Instagram shot. NASA explains: […]
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” – D. H. Lawrence
No, this is not another blood moon. We’re currently experiencing a tetrad of blood moons and the next one is due October 18th. But tonight, June 13th, is the Strawberry […]
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”
– Vincent Van Gogh
I enjoy “griefing“, which is when people use aspects of a system that make that system less fun for others. It’s a term normally used in multiplayer video games. As […]
When water warms in the tropical Pacific Ocean, different types of tuna will migrate into the waters near San Diego. Keeping track of a fisherman’s catch can help meteorologists predict the severity of an oncoming El Niño.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg famously argued in Lean In that women need to stand up for themselves in order to secure equality in the workplace. But what happens when leaning in backfires? Some women have found that negotiating their job offers puts them at risk of being sent away empty-handed.
A new study confirms everything your 6th grade guidance counselor always told you was true. Younger adolescents who run with the cool crowd during their teenage years tend to struggle in early adulthood. The geeks, on the other hand, turn out much better.
Nothing in nature works quite like money. Or seems as complex as an economy. I’d welcome counterexamples, but something seems fishy. 1. Here’s the usual big picture: Competitive markets allocate […]
Compared to many of the humble origins affiliated with campaigns on Kickstarter and Indiegogo, the newly launched crowdfunding platform seems almost too “suit and tie” for the internet. As an accredited […]
Under a new South Carolina law, third graders who fail a state-administered standardized reading exam will be held back starting in 2018. The policy is part of the state’s new Read to Succeed Act.
The northeast Asian nation most famous for Genghis Khan is raising its profile on the world stage by courting foreign investment, boosting its worldwide diplomatic presence, and adopting a self-sufficient energy policy.
The coffee giant will roll out new wireless charging stations nationwide, beginning with its Bay Area stores. The “Powermat Spots” are a joint venture between Duracell and Powermat Technologies.
A paraplegic man kicked the first ball of the World Cup today thanks to a special mind-controlled robotic exoskeleton fashioned by scientists at Duke University. The scientific advancement could signal a future where wheelchairs become obsolete.
Amazon launched a new music streaming service today through its Prime membership program. Amazon Prime Music, like the online giant’s instant video service, is expected to grow over time.
The decision by the Tony Awards Administration Committee to cut the two sound design categories has been met with disdain by a nation’s worth of theatre professionals frustrated at the awards show’s continued focus on commercialization.
How many people put off delivering the bad news to senior management at General Motors while the now infamous ignition-switch problem festered? The same question can be asked about the […]