Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank says the legislators of the Baby Boom generation are to blame for the current state of dysfunction in Washington. Is that a fair assessment? If it is, what’s the solution?
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Rising health costs and an aging workforce have encouraged employers to adopt or expand wellness programs aimed at boosting the health of employees.
Ramadan, the Islamic calendar’s month of fasting, begins Saturday evening. This presents a challenge to the many Muslim athletes competing worldwide, most notably in the World Cup.
When you work, do you often use a computer? If the answer is yes, then the specific answer is: you use a classical computer. That is what your machine is […]
NEW YORK – If the world is to solve the climate-change crisis, we will need a new approach. Currently, the major powers view climate change as a negotiation over who […]
ISTANBUL – Central bankers want only a few things. To achieve any of them they usually seek to nudge inflation expectations, demonstrate the transparency of monetary policy, and establish their […]
Happy Anniversary, Curiosity Rover! The little machine that’s like a real-life Pixar hero has been exploring NASA for one Martian year. August 5th, 2012 was the exact date when it […]
“One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” – George Bernard Shaw
“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.”
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
A recent New York Times editorial detailed the rampant issue of child sexual abuse in China and the dire need for the government to better educate its population.
Engineering students at Olin College spent 3 months and a $250 budget to construct a face-tracking marshmallow shooter nicknamed the Confectionery Cannon.
If you thought “planets move about the sun in ellipses,” wait until you read this. “I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of […]
Tomorrow, June 28, 2014, marks the 100-year anniversary of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo, the monumental event that led to the outbreak of World War I. Ferdinand’s 19-year-old assassin, the Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip, is remembered today as both hero and villain.
The Myo armband, developed by Canadian company Thalmic Labs, allows wearers to control electronic devices with hand and arm gestures. The technology evokes sci-fi films such as Star Wars and Minority Report.
PopWed Co. in Washington DC offers couples an inexpensive pop-up wedding free from the stress of large event planning. The company’s two employees officiate and photograph the intimate, public ceremonies — sometimes to the chagrin of local security guards.
All meaning is relational (otherwise it’s potentially useless and unhealthy). That’s true for both senses of meaning, and Nozick’s “Pleasure Machine” shows why workable individualism must be relational. 1. Individualism’s […]
John B. Judis of New Republic argues that the United States is powerless to combat the breaking down of nonsensical Middle East borders drawn nearly a hundred years ago by colonial powers.
Chen Guangbiao – The Mysterious Entrepreneur Who Vowed to Buy The New York Times and to Dine America’s Homeless BEIJING/NEW YORK – The Chinese millionaire in green has struck again […]
Timothy J. Burger has penned a fascinating article for Politico highlighting several gay men who worked in George W. Bush’s administration, most of them in the closet the entire time. The piece provides a glimpse into their lives and their allegiance to a president they couldn’t help but support.
The president’s requested war budget is America’s lowest in a decade. The request includes over $2 billion in funds to support American interests in Syria and neighboring countries.
Has your marriage gone stale? Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the author ofKosher Lust: Love is Not the Answer, has the remedy for you. “All marriage can provide right now for most […]
On the early morning of June 24, a beautiful conjunction of Venus and a waning crescent Moon graced the sky, as captured by this photograph snapped near Belmar, New Jersey. […]
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” – Bertrand Russell
At the White House Summit on Working Families, President Obama made this distinction: “Family leave, childcare, flexibility and a decent wage aren’t frills. They’re basic needs. They shouldn’t be bonuses […]
The most common source for radioactive dating depends on our Universe being active. “Life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties.” –James Jeans Here on […]
Currently, passwords are total chaos. In fact, most people have terrible passwords that are easy for hackers to guess. Even worse, many people use the same password for all their […]
More non-Hispanic whites in the United States are dying than are being born. The Great Recession appears to be the main culprit as birthrates have declined 13% in two years. How will the Baby Bust affect the country in the future?
Researchers believe women who have their last child after 33 are more likely to live into their late nineties. The findings are a matter of genes, meaning the relationship between late motherhood and long life is correlative, not causative.
Comedian Stephen Colbert called Jeff Koons “The world’s most expensive birthday clown” when the artist famous for his giant balloon animalsappeared on his show in 2012. A year later, one […]