Apple thinks the government is wrong to seek a “backdoor” to its operating system. Most Americans think the government is right.
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NASA has teamed up with the International Potato Center (CIP) in an effort to find out if the potato will be part of the Mars mission.
Why universities can no longer afford to access the research they created themselves.
The coffee pod design isn’t sustainable, so the German city of Hamburg has placed a ban on government-run buildings from using “Kaffeekapselmaschine,” or coffee capsule machines.
For Women’s History Month 2016, take the #5WomenArtists challenge and test your (sexist?) art history knowledge.
We are far more worried about the problem of parents not vaccinating their kids than low general vaccination rates for flu, which will sicken and kill way more of us, including WAY more kids.
ReWalk announced a commercial health program that will provide coverage for a personal exoskeleton system. The beneficiary of this ReWalk exoskeleton is a surgeon who has been bound to a manual wheelchair for 11 hours a day at work.
Londoners are defined by the sounds of their city — and here are the maps to prove it.
How the Hubble Space Telescope captured Andromeda and showed us a Universe we’ve never seen. “We are stardust, we are golden,We are billion year old carbon,And we got to get […]
There are many different levels, but one key difference separates science from the rest. “I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory […]
Understanding how to become more resilient could rely on a simple linguistic shift.
Ever wonder what happens when your credit card number, Google credentials, and online banking password get stolen?
You’d think in the age of Uber and Airbnb someone would have figured out how to put Big Textbook in its place. Unfortunately, it’s a lot more complicated than just waving a magical disruption wand and putting Follett out of business.
The science of “human vulnerabilities” is being used to “engineer compulsion.” In addition to A.D.D., “attention captivation disorders” are going viral.
Exercise has a number of health benefits for both brain and body. Researchers from the Academy of Finland wanted to find out what kind of exercises provide the best workout for the brain.
With Valentine’s Day in the past, that’s no reason to forget about the best part of that holiday! “Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.” –Fernando Pessoa One of the […]
What LIGO’s first signal actually means. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves.” –David Reitze This morning, the principal investigator of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), David Reitze, made […]
Before #OscarsSoWhite and #MoviesSoBland, William Cameron Menzies turned American movies into art.
Around 53 million years ago, the Arctic was host to a wide range of creatures that thrived in its warm swamps. The fossil record shows how our warming climate might influence old migratory patterns to reemerge in the Arctic Circle.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced he’s standing with Tim Cook and Apple’s decision. He agreed that complying with the FBI order to create a backdoor for the iPhone would set a dangerous precedent.
The slippery slope of Britain’s exit from the EU, mapped
The FBI has ordered Apple to create a special version of its software that would remove a security feature, providing investigators with a backdoor to unlock the iPhone through “brute force” methods. Did we mention this iPhone belongs to a terrorist?
The U.S. wind industry saw huge growth in 2015. The American Wind Energy Association announced this week that the industry installed more wind power than any other electric source.
Amphibians are disappearing across the world — species are becoming extinct thanks to a fungus spread through human disruption. The Book of Frogs, by biologist Timothy Halliday, commemorates these creatures, which soon may slip into the pages of history.
How we’ll directly take pictures of Earth-like planets in the future! “We stand on a great threshold in the human history of space exploration. If life is prevalent in our neighborhood […]
The Integrated Tissue and Organ Printing System may be the future of organ replacement. For the first time, scientists have successfully produced and attached functional pieces of human tissue made of living cells.
Repeating myths in order to correct them can backfire, causing people to remember the myth as fact, and forgetting the fact altogether. Researchers suggest other ways for journalists to correct misinformation.
Just two days before its data was released, I wrote this story on what it all means. Come get the scoop! “Einstein’s gravitational theory, which is said to be the greatest […]
Our technologies possess intention, delicately guiding and influencing our most human behaviors in ways we haven’t considered.
China, India, Brazil, and Indonesia are the biggest carbon emitters. They also have the highest rates of premature deaths from air pollution.