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By manipulating eight strands of D.N.A. that control the production of a crucial hormone linked to old age, scientists believe they could slow down the ageing process and ward off age related conditions.
It is a rare day when the US budget, or US domestic politics at all for that matter, is featured on Waq al-waq.  But today is that day.  Over at […]
“The budget is a profoundly moral document,”  former Clinton advisor Paul Begala told Greg Sargent. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be.” Budgets, after all, reflect our priorities. […]
20 million people live within a 50 mile radius of New York’s Indian Point nuclear power plant, whose 35 year old reactors were built to withstand a 6.1 earthquake—far less […]
Our decisions matter. You don’t need me to tell you that. Of course they matter. It almost seems a tautology, a restatement of the obvious, of the very definition of “decision.” And yet, even though we make decisions at every point in our lives . . .
When the BRIC companies first opened up to global capitalism they became addicted to Western clothing and beauty brands, but now they have emerged as beauty capitals in their own […]