I don’t think I have ever told you about the time that a man I was seeing felt the need to confess to me about many years of regular prostitute […]
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Sometime very soon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban ki moon, is set to announce his intention to run for a second five year term. In this he […]
GUEST POST BY JASON SILVA “Intertwingularity” is a term coined by Ted Nelson to express the complexity of interrelations in human knowledge. He wrote: “EVERYTHING IS DEEPLY INTERTWINGLED. In an […]
So my previous post on Walmart being change that’s, on balance, bad for us as social beings was one of my most popular and, apparently, least controversial. That’s because many so-called […]
UPDATE 8:00 PM (Eastern): It looks like Bariloche is being heaviest hit by the ash from the eruption – looks like a lot of ash on the ground in the resort town. You can see […]
I don’t know how many teenage girls I am following on Twitter, mostly because Twitter doesn’t have bouncers who card people before they can get in. Now there is one […]
British public health officials are drawing up plans to vaccinate all babies against tuberculosis amid concern over soaring rates of infection, particularly in London.
A new study comparing yoga practitioners and habitual exercisers found that the former had a lower prevalence of joint pain and headaches, better coping skills, and more…
Officials cautiously say the peak of the E. coli crisis may have passed but as scientists scramble to identify its source, many Germans have been put off their salad.
Why the psychopath raised in an abusive home becomes a serial killer and the one raised in a loving family becomes a CEO. An interview with the author of The Psychopath Test.
Cultivate your passions, they can be a huge engine of joy in your life. Do you have so many passions that you could drop one without losing an important source of happiness?
One of my favorite outdated slang phrases is “drop a dime,” which alludes to the days when a phone call still cost 10 cents and means to tell the truth […]
V.S. Naipaul is without question or controversy one of the finest living writers. Yet the controversy surrounding his recent interview with the Royal Geographic Society, in which he effectively takes […]
Fertility clinics can now identify and prevent the implantation of embryos with known genetic defects. For the first time we have the technical ability to determine whether or not certain babies will be born and what characteristics they’ll be born with.
Molecular Biologist Lee Silver acknowledges that there are special bioethical considerations that come into play for those working on biotech—but insists that much of the opposition to the field is […]
It has been a bad 10 years for the economy. As I’ve written before, the last decade was, economically, a lost decade. As this graph from Ezra Klein shows, there […]
The news continues to come fast and furious out of Yemen, much of it just rumors – but still it comes. Even as someone who spends a good deal of […]
Americans waste 14% of all the food we buy, and rote adherence to “use-by” dates is part of the problem, explains an Iowa food scientist: But, it turns out, in […]
A lot of volcanoes produce 3-km ash plumes on the regular basis. Right now, there are probably two or three volcanoes in Kamchatka or Indonesia alone that are generating plumes of […]
This week, the USDA unveiled a new icon for healthy eating, MyPlate, a successor to the Food Pyramid and MyPyramid. There’s a lot to like about the new visual. The […]
The news is coming fast and furious out of Sanaa. Not much is known for certain and it will likely be a while before we have all the details, but […]
“I don’t know enough about the inner workings of (The New York Times) to offer definitive judgments, but from the outside it looks like Keller did a pretty good job.”
Fellow billionaires Sir Richard Branson and Ted Turner on philanthropy and their global health initiatives. Branson’s advice: First achieve success then make a difference.
When CEOs forgo a fat salary in exchange for equity, they align their wealth with the company’s success. But a new study suggests it’s often just a PR ploy.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy has concluded that, when it comes to drugs, ‘just say no’ policies for youth are a complete failure. Perhaps we’ll now do the same […]
Female underrepresentation at executive level in government and business is a fact. Should women take responsiblity for it? A reflection on Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s views.
Innovation, along with increasing existing business, now outranks all other means of potential expansion, including new markets, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures.
In researching Groupon’s IPO for the earlier post, I tried to think about which markets are being affected by Groupon. The biggest is almost certainly Yellow Pages ($26Bn worldwide) — […]
Going public now allows Groupon to establish dominance against their competitors. They can encourage a perception from the public markets that LivingSocial et. al. are “Groupon Clones.”
1. I was glad to learn from BIG THINKER Daniel that Walmart has become a catalyst for change on the Green or environmental front. That’s good news, because what that corporation’s brains […]