The past few weeks have seen two developments that show that we’re on the verge of home 3-D printing really breaking out into the mainstream, says Forbes’ Alex Knapp.
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It’s not Dr. Seuss. But Go the F*** to Sleep is extremely powerful, and it’s extremely powerful for an audience who has supported and stomached and loved and memorized-to-the-point-of-loving-slightly-less the […]
“Resist what resists in you,” the god Krishna tells heroic Arjuna in Peter Brook’s epic theatrical version of The Mahabharata. “Become yourself!” This is, as the experimental philosopher Joshua Knobe […]
Colleagues Tony Leiserowitz and Ed Maibach have released their latest survey report in the Global Warming Six Americas series. Below is the email summary from Tony describing the results from […]
Every so often, I find a paper with a title that’s too good not to share. Here’s today’s edition: Trapecar M, Vinkovic MK. Techniques for fingerprint recovery on vegetable and […]
Today marks the 20th anniversary of one of the most significant eruptions (video – archived from news broadcasts) of the last century (or more) – the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo in the […]
So it might not be so good for ratings to be doing a series on a movie that tanked at the box office. But here’s some more on NEVER LET […]
“A building in a bag” is how engineering students Will Crawford and Peter Brewin describe their invention Concrete Canvas. It is a ground-breaking material technology that allows for the construction […]
I fully realize I tend to have a bias towards explosive eruptions – I mean, it is hard to ignore something like this. However, that doesn’t mean I should have […]
A private Danish rocket launched recently had its first successful test flight. The event is a huge step forward for the team’s plan to eventually loft people on cheap suborbital spaceflights.
Last weekend, at a physics conference in France, physicist Giovanni Punzi showed that the signs of a new particle discovered at Fermilab had strengthened rather than disappeared.
Scientists at C.E.R.N., the European lab for particle physics, have announced that they trapped antimatter with very strong magnets for 1,000 seconds, smashing the old record.
I was dead wrong about Congressman Anthony Weiner. I don’t have a revision team, like Sarah Palin does, that will work overtime to try to make me look good when […]
N.A.S.A.’s newest Mars rover, Curiosity, will be deployed to the planet to study rocks that may shed light on whether life existed there. But its cousin Opportunity may steal its thunder.
Japanese astronaut Satoshi Furukawa plans to plant and grow cucumbers aboard the International Space Station to study how future space travelers can harvest their own food.
I asked fellow BigThink blogger Kirsten Winkler if she would join me in writing about the recently-released 2011 K-12 Horizon Report. She’s done a nice job of summarizing the six […]
The celebrity sex tape seems to be a modern phenomenon, but long before voyeurs could download the peccadilloes of Paris and Pam there was The Night Banquet of Han Xizai. […]
The U.S. has gone to war over the surprise attack of its naval fleet in Pearl Harbor, the torpedo attack on warships in the Gulf of Tonkin, and indiscriminate attacks […]
NASA has released images of an enormous solar storm that extended over a three hour period on June 7. The series of pictures capture “a huge coronal mass ejection erupting […]
James Berkland has made a name for himself predicting earthquakes. And yet his claim that the moon triggers earthquakes has been discredited by the scientific community.
Fellow Big Think blogger Scott McLeod invited me to write a dual post with him on our thoughts about the 2011 K12 Horizon Report today. Although my background is more […]
At the frontiers of geology, scientists are developing new, physics-based models that will help us forecast and prepare for devastating earthquakes.
The Economist last week ran a feature and editorial on the new age of the Anthropocene, a term coined by scientists and now increasingly used by others to refer to […]
The eruption that started Saturday at Puyehue-Cordón Caulle along the Chilean-Argentine border is still going – and still causing problems for people living in the zone where ash and pumice […]
It is June and it will be 95 here in Ohio tomorrow, so I guess summer is here. Coming part and parcel with summer comes my usual odd schedule, so […]
Rep. Anthony Weiner’s tearful apology for sending revealing pictures of his chest and underwear-covered genitalia at his press conference yesterday was agonizing. Painful for him, sure, but much more so […]
Never Let Me Go is one of the most thoughtful pieces of science fiction ever. The film, directed by Mark Romanek, is, of course, based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. […]
Today’s post is the one hundredth post for Dollars and Sex and to mark this occasion I thought I would provide a retrospective of the fifteen most popular posts to […]
A change in scale forces us to take note. Objects that we would never notice acquire significance, become worthy of examination and attention. In other words, they force mindfulness.
Social media played a huge role in the collaborative ncampaign that led Giuliano Pisapia to being elected mayor of Milan. Now he says it will also help ensure he doesn’t sell out.