For decades, Mars has been the focus of intense interest and here are some of those updates that have recently transpired. NASA is preparing to launch its latest Mars probe, Curiosity (or the Mars Science […]
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He made more money as a handyman than as an artist, but Vincenzo Peruggia’s personally responsible for making the Mona Lisa what it is today. Leonardo da Vinci painted Lisa […]
Verizon workers called off their strike after the company agreed to temporarily extend their contract and return to the bargaining table. Forty-five thousand workers will return to their jobs on […]
2011 is the summer of the “hand heart” as everyone from sports figures to politicians to rock star wannabes press thumbs and fingers together to communicate “I love you!” to […]
Lawmakers and doctors are rushing to find remedies for critical shortages of drugs that treat life-threatening illnesses like bacterial infection and several forms of cancer.
Nutrition experts are attacking a diet book intended for a six-year-old audience which features an overweight girl on its cover holding up a skimpy dress in front of a mirror.
Using publicly accessible databases, researchers have developed a method to predict how existing drugs might be repurposed to treat seemingly unrelated diseases.
Modified ecstasy could one day have a role to play in fighting some blood cancers, according to scientists. The drug is already known to effectively kill cancer cells isolated in test tubes.
A major study on women and smoking released by the World Health Organization last week provides further surprising evidence about how gender differences can affect health.
In an advancement in biotechnology, a new microscope has allowed researchers to watch molecules move within a cell on a millisecond-by-millisecond time scale for the first time.
Political scientists David Campbell and Robert Putnam published an op-ed in The New York Times this week arguing that the common idea about where the Tea Party comes from and […]
Sophal Ear describes a school turned torture-chamber by the Khmer Rouge.
“When All-American Girl was cancelled, I was devastated. I thought that was my only shot at show business.” Margaret Cho opens up about fame, letting go, and how life’s biggest setbacks can actually be a step forward.
When President Bashar al Assad was elected (unopposed) in 2000, many in the West heralded this as progress. Assad’s father in law, Fahwaz – who I came to know – […]
Here’s the information on our final conference of three funded by the University of Chicago: 2pm THURSDAY will feature a high successful and stunningly philosophical transplant nephrologist (kidney doctor) defending, based […]
Sophal Ear describes his family’s relocation by the Khmer Rouge from Phnom Penh to a labor camp.
What the world needs now – and just might be able to listen to – are humanitarian ambassadors like Sophal Ear, who have experienced atrocity and devoted their lives to doing something about it.
Long Beach photographers beware, Police Chief Jim McDonnell is a harsh critic: Long Beach (Calif.) Police Chief Jim McDonnell is defending his officer who detained a Long Beach Post contributor […]
It is a busy Friday, so it seems that today would be a great day for a new Mystery Volcano Photo. If we think back to the last MVP, #39, […]
Indian activist Anna Hazare has left jail to embark on a two-week public fast over his demands for stronger anti-corruption laws. The government is stumbling for a response.
Climate change campaigns in the United States that focus on the risks to people in foreign countries or even other regions of the U.S. are likely to inadvertently increase polarization […]
Harvard Law School professor and former Obama administration official, Elizabeth Warren may campaign to become a U.S. Senator, challenging the incumbent Republican Scott Brown.
When longtime Silicon Valley executive Dan Rosensweig stepped down as C.E.O. of Guitar Hero, be began pioneering tomorrow’s digital university by creating online education networks.
A newly declassified State Department document sheds light on why Colin Powell became the first member of any U.S. administration to apply the label ‘genocide’ to an ongoing conflict.
It may be easier for men to to demonstrate authority associated with traditional leadership, but today’s world calls for collaboration and cooperation, skills which suit women better.
The new experimental “brain chips” developed by researchers at IBM and DARPA represent a fundamental breakthrough in computing power. If these brain chips are ever commercialized, they would make possible what are essentially thinking, artificial brains.
BY JASON SILVA Physicist Freeman Dyson has spoken of a new “Age of Wonder” centered on computers and biology. He has artfully articulated that in the near future “a new […]
BY JASON SILVA “We are enraptured prose-beings raised to the highest power”. – Walter Benjamin, On Hashish Timothy Leary and Buckminster Fuller called themselves “performing philosophers”, using the power of […]
I ask the above question at least halfway in earnest, and also as an excuse to write about Mad Men. (The season premiere has been delayed by contract disputes, so […]