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While Italy is now famous for its use of the red tomato on pizzas and pastas, the food was introduced the country relatively recently. A historian on how we all came to love the tomato.
“Contrary to the Machiavellian cliché, nice people are more likely to rise to power. Then something strange happens: Authority atrophies the very talents that got them there.”
“We think of writing as an author’s cognitive output, but it has a corporeal dimension—writing is an embodied practice.” The Smart Set on the loss of novelists’ female transcriptionists.
Consumption of marijuana should be legal, but selling it should not be. Mark Kleiman at The Atlantic fears marketers would peddle the vice just as they have alcohol and fast food.
“How do you find contentment in an acquisitive society? By changing the things you spend your money on, says a U.S. academic.” The Independent reports on the upside to the recession.