When Man of Steel opened in theaters on June 14, 2013, it pulled in $116.6 million USD that opening weekend alone. Superman remains a box office bonanza in his eighth […]
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The biggest lesson from Popper’s philosophy is that skepticism is the ultimate open-mindedness.
This week, Business Insiderwrote about a study reporting the sad news that women are just not selling screenplays at the rate of men. In fact, they’re grossly being left out […]
On Thursday (June 27) PayPal announced a new initiative that will research possible protocols for off-world currency transactions. With space tourism opportunities around the corner, it’s not so farfetched an idea.
Eric Blair (George Orwell’s real name) himself might not like the use of the damning, eponymous term “Orwellian”
New Yorkers no longer have to worry about recovering lost or stolen keys: KeyMe automated kiosks can provide replacements at any time from a stored digital copy.
This week’s Supreme Court decisions have been the main topics streaming into my Facebook and Twitter feeds (along with a few heartfelt thoughts for Nelson Mandela). Escaping a thumbs up […]
A plant at the southern tip of Spain is the first to purposely cultivate algae from wastewater in order to create clean gas for garbage trucks and other vehicles.
The Human Bionic Project catalogs all the FDA-approved prosthetics and other bionic devices currently available. Its creator says it should serve as a starting research point for amputees and others, and will grow with input from the public.
Norms take time to catch up to technology, but they are all the regulation we need.
Don’t lament change, find the opportunity in it.
Create It Real, which also manufactures 3D printer components, says its software — which currently only works on its hardware — is able to detect a gun schematic and prevent it from printing.
By creating ideas, humans achieve immortality.
In this darkly hilarious outtake from his interview for Big Think Mentor, Neil deGrasse Tyson – astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium – warns that the universe is homicidal […]
What does the design of a new Google campus say about the company’s future vision?
The image above depicts the body of an albatross that was found on Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
We’re hardwired to be free, but we’re also hardwired to be relational beings. Man of Steel is nothing if not a celebration of fathers. Maybe the most repulsive feature of […]
We have a responsibility to defend the America that we inherited and to make sure that people calling themselves patriots don’t smash it down.
There were three great scientific horse races in the last century. The first two, the race to the moon and the race to split the atom have been widely reported. […]
“Power causes you to focus on rewards and take risks to achieve those gains,” Dr. Andy Yap of MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
In order to be successful, you need to do more than just design a good product. You need to be persuasive.
Draw two dots above a straight line, place them in a circle, and even children a few years old will spot the semblance with a human countenance. Whether it’s the features […]
Last Sunday, June 23rd, I gave a lecture at the Sanderson Museum in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, titled “Art Made Personal: Chris Sanderson and The Wyeth Family.” Below is a summary […]
Scientists are warning that the area of oxygen-deprived water created as a result of agricultural runoff could grow to as much as 8,561 square miles this year, an area about the size of New Jersey.
The Suomi NPP satellite has created the highest-resolution map of the world’s vegetation to date. Not surprisingly, there’s more greenery, thanks to carbon emissions.
It’s the first arrangement of its kind to be discovered in the hunt for exoplanets that could support life. These planets are among several that orbit Gliese 667C, one star in a trinary star system.
One is reminded of America’s second-most detestable federal outfit: the Transportation Security Administration.
In the video below, Justin Solonynka, a teacher at the Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, PA, uses a game he bought for his two-year-old daughter to teach his 7th grade class about permutations and combinations.
What if Conservative ideology is more Kafka than Orwell? Are the people who say they fear an imminent dystopia actually just really annoyed?
The true culprit in the residual gender wage gap is wage secrecy.