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Humans experience joy in a multitude of ways, yet the varied forms of suffering—death, divorce, separation—return to one root principle: loss. What drives the fear of loss is something far […]
While the Congress debates sequestration and other ways of trimming spending in specific departments and agencies, it should not miss the tremendous opportunity now presented by the financial markets.
While I think this conversation has already gone on long enough, I guess I should mention that Reap Paden has left a comment on my post from last weekend about […]
We’re told to have a positive attitude; that love conquers all; that anger is unhelpful and hate unneeded. Evangelists of optimism would drown us in their toothy smiles and keep […]
I’m taking a break from talking about conservative diversity to think  more about justifying the content of liberal education these days. So here’s an account of chairs of departments of history […]