Geologists discover a rhythm to major geologic events.
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Researchers discovered a galactic wind from a supermassive black hole that sheds light on the evolution of galaxies.
Life is governed by unspoken rules. How do you know you’re following them correctly?
Filaments, hundreds of millions of light-years long, were just caught spinning. In our own cosmic backyard, everything we see spins, rotates, and revolves in some fashion or other. Our planet […]
If computers can beat us at chess, maybe they could beat us at math, too.
Laughing gas may be far more effective for some than antidepressants.
How one startup plans to use “death rays” for good instead of evil.
If you go young, blue, and massive, you top out at 50,000 K. That’s peanuts! Surprise! The biggest, most massive stars aren’t always the hottest. Although its neighbor, Messier 42, […]
The first nation to make bitcoin legal tender will use geothermal energy to mine it.
Every star we can see, including our sun, was born in one of these violent clouds.
Metal-like materials have been discovered in a very strange place.
Dealing with rudeness can nudge you toward cognitive errors.
At least 222 typefaces are named after places in the U.S. — and there’s still room for more.
The only doubts are completely unreasonable. Where did the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, come from? Over the past few weeks, there’s been a tremendous push — largely among politicians but also […]
The Black Death wasn’t the only plague in the 1300s.
How two seemingly distinct exoplanet systems turned out to be related. Practically every star in the Milky Way has a similar origin story. At some point in the past, a molecular […]
Quantum theory has weird implications. Trying to explain them just makes things weirder.
Everyone has pondered what they would do with an extra hour a day. Would they get more sleep or spend more time with family? Spend time on a side project […]
Maybe eyes really are windows into the soul — or at least into the brain, as a new study finds.
In each of our minds, we draw a demarcation line between beliefs that are reasonable and those that are nonsense. Where do you draw your line?
If you want to find life in the Universe, this is how you do it. When it comes to uncovering the ultimate truths about reality, we can only reap what we […]
That’s as fast as a bullet train in Japan.
The experience of life flashing before one’s eyes has been reported for well over a century, but where’s the science behind it?
A brief passage from a recent UN report describes what could be the first-known case of an autonomous weapon, powered by artificial intelligence, killing in the battlefield.
Israeli food-tech company DouxMatok (Hebrew for “double sweet”) has created a sugary product that uses 40 percent less actual sugar yet still tastes sweet.
Watch the plasma slide down the prominence like a roller coaster! Our Sun, despite it’s outward appearance as a perfectly hot sphere, is anything but uniform. When take a closer look […]
She helped create CRISPR, a gene-editing technology that is changing the way we treat genetic diseases and even how we produce food.
A school lesson leads to more precise measurements of the extinct megalodon shark, one of the largest fish ever.