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To what lengths would you go to survive in the face of death? Could you amputate your own arm to free it from beneath a boulder? Could you survive 10 weeks on frogs and leeches?  Over the next four days, Big Think interviews men who survived the harshest conditions.
The prosecution of Roger Clemens for perjury is wasteful and hypocritical, says Steve Chapman at The Chicago Tribune. The Justice Department should have higher priorities.
“Here’s the central paradox of American jobs and education. While benefits from going to college are increasing exponentially, the fastest growing jobs aren’t for high-earning college graduates.”
If the current activity around the world wasn’t enough, I just found a report that Nevado del Huila in Colombia had an ash-producing explosive eruption today. The Colombian government is […]
Welcome to the next iteration of Eruptions! For everyone who has never seen Eruptions before, I thought I’d start off with a little introduction. My name is Dr. Erik Klemetti, I […]
“Human charity is ultimately rooted in our compassionate feelings, and not in some rational, utilitarian calculations. We are not Vulcans.” The Frontal Cortex on why we help want to help others.