Just as your mom always suspected, brilliance lies within you. And not only you, but nearly every seemingly normal human being. That’s the provocative thesis of David Shenk’s forthcoming book, […]
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As medical research advances, the possibility of using scientific findings to enact smarter, more concretely-attuned policies to better the lives of us all is becoming an imminent possibility. Today’s interview […]
Overlooked in much of the post-State-of-the-Union discussion was President Obama’s renewed insistence on bringing America’s rail system up to speed for the first time in decades. Amid the countless issues […]
If her piece on loss and mourning in this week’s New Yorker is evidence, Meghan’s O’Rourke’s next book may be the most powerful reflection on the topic since The Year […]
I’m sure there will be hundreds of takeaways on the airwaves this morning about President Barack Obama’s State Of The Union address last night. There will be opinions by political […]
Delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland are predicting that the global economic recovery could lose pace later this year as heavy debts weigh on the beleaguered.
While enthusiasts will claim a fatal attraction to Apple’s new touch screen tablet “iPad”, critics have warned that the Wi-Fi and 3G device will suffer for its exclusivity to the AT&T network.
Pet owners keeping watch on the girth of their furry friends are faced with “confusing two-fold variation in calorie density, recommended intake and cost” of low-calorie pet foods.
The Financial Times columnist John Gapper welcomes what has been termed “Volcker rule” as Obama’s “tall guy” provokes angst on Wall Street and in Washington.
A man accused of attacking Israel’s Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch will be indicted after he reportedly threw both of his sneakers at her in court, striking her in the face.
Radical “geoengineering” projects including simulated volcanoes and man-made sun blocks could prove handy weapons in the fight against climate change, scientists are claiming.
The man lauded as “the best chef in the world” is hanging up his apron for a 2-year sabbatical claiming his restaurant’s format is so challenging “it is impossible to keep creating”.
North Korea has been accused of firing artillery shells near the disputed maritime border with South Korea for two days running, according to local media reports.
President Barack Obama used his first State of the Union address last night to rally his party with rhetoric and stress that in spite of setbacks “We don’t quit. I don’t quit.”
Newly re-elected President Mahinda Rajapaksa will dissolve Sri Lanka’s parliament and call a legislative election in a move to reshape the unwieldy coalition he now heads.
Those are the three factors Eliot Spitzer cites as having caused the infamous “failure to exercise judgment” that toppled him from office as Governor of New York State. Yet Spitzer […]
The legendary author and activist Howard Zinn passed away this evening at the age of 87. In one of his final interviews, Professor Zinn discussed how he would like to […]
The art world remains abuzz and aghast at the latest art oopsie incident featuring Pablo Picasso’s 1905 painting The Actor (pictured) and an oncoming art student. When that irresistible force […]
Whenever I hear the name of Turner Prize-winning artist, Chris Ofili, I unfortunately think of the old Monty Python joke: “What’s brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!” For Americans […]
An artist has created beautiful sculptures by slicing different colored bits of paper and layering them intricately to produce mesmerising kaleidoscopic patterns.
A new study suggests that men are generally less prone to feelings of guilt and that women show a “significantly higher” propensity for it, while men feel “too little” in comparison.
Filmmaker James O’Keefe and three others have been charged for an alleged plot to bug Senator Mary Landrieu’s office for which they could face up to ten years in prison.
The world’s second known pregnant man is expecting a baby boy new month. Scott Moore and his partner, who were both born female, have undergone gender reassignment surgery.
NASA’s Martian rover Spirit will officially rove no more. After being stuck in a sand pit on Mars for the last 10 months, it has been announced that the aging shuttle will not be moved.
The US military and intelligence are “deeply involved” in top secret operations in Yemen in collaboration with Yemeni troops, according to media reports.
Only a day before a new president is to be inaugurated, a court in Honduras has dropped charges against six military generals who led a failed political coup in the region last June.
Australian travellers stranded by mudslides in Peru are claiming to have been forgotten by officials and are asking the Australian government to put pressure on Peruvian authorities.
A man has been pulled alive from the under the rubblie in Port-au-Prince two weeks after a massive earthquake turned much of Haiti’s capital into rubble and disorder.
Couples who are at loggerheads but decide to stay together for the sake of their children may actually be making them more unhappy than if they were to split up, a new study has found.
Ben Bernanke will probably be confirmed to a second term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the next few days. But opposition to his nomination has emerged on both […]