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Under the Rubble

A man has been pulled alive from the under the rubblie in Port-au-Prince two weeks after a massive earthquake turned much of Haiti’s capital into rubble and disorder.

“Exactly two weeks after Haiti’s earthquake, US troops pulled another man from a collapsed building in Port-au-Prince — but it was unclear whether he was trapped in the original quake or an aftershock. Rico Dibrivell, 35, was pulled from the rubble of a building on Rue de Miracle in Port-au-Prince by soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division. The site had been repeatedly looted but he claimed he had been trapped since the earthquake. His family say he has been missing for the full fortnight. Covered in dust and wearing only his underpants Mr Dibrivell was severely dehydrated and suffering from the broken leg but had no life-threatening injuries. ‘He got sent to the hospital. He’s going to make it,’ Specialist Andrew Pourak, one of the rescuers, said. About 134 people have been pulled alive from collapsed buildings, the most recent before last night being a 25-year-old man on Saturday. If yesterday’s survivor had indeed been trapped for a fortnight his survival would be little short of miraculous and lift the spirits of an increasing hungry and desperate city.”

Sporadic gunfire, a symptom of the mounting anger and despair, rings out across Haiti’s earthquake-ripped capital Port-au-Prince as locals endure a third night on the torn streets.
Radio1Haiti DJ Carel Pedré, 29, has broadcast an account of the devastating earthquake that rocked the capital Port-au-Prince on Tuesday leaving tens of thousands dead.
A powerful earthquake struck Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince last night causing mass destruction and fears of a huge death toll in one of the Caribbean’s poorest countries.

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