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Understanding Most Significant Change [Shop Talk Marketing] Royal Dutch Shell and the end of peak oil [The Weekly Standard] The Innovation Slush Fund [Innovate on Purpose] Creativity: What can I […]
Saw this advertisement for tiny Trinidad & Tobago in the Wall Street Journal yesterday highlighting the country’s enormous innovation potential: “Every country has a moment before promise becomes reality. With […]
It looks like the notion of “open innovation” is starting to gain momentum in the mainstream media. In the March issue of Fast Company, Alan Deutschman discusses the wide-open organization: […]
If Apple iTunes has made $0.99 the de facto price for a music download, what should be the price of a CEO “download”? According to Google, the price should be […]
According to a new report by Sirota Survey Intelligence, there’s a “perceptions gap” between senior-level executives and rank-and-file employees when it comes to innovation. People at the top of the […]
According to Greenpeace’s latest “Green Ranking” (released on Wednesday), Chinese PC maker Lenovo is the world’s most environmentally conscious electronics maker. The lowest-ranked company on Greenpeace’s list is, surprisingly enough, […]
There’s something about this that looks a wee bit dangerous: extreme ironing competitions. Apparently, this is legit: you can buy a book about Extreme Ironing on (U.K.) or watch […]
n nWithin the travel & hospitality space, a number of hotel brands are discovering Web 2.0 as a way to build communities of like-minded individuals. For example, Westin Hotels & […]
In this brief YouTube clip, legendary management guru Tom Peters says that the business of innovation is actually easier than one might suppose: “Hang out with weird, and thou shalt […]
Michael Raynor, who co-authored The Innovator’s Solution with Clayton Christensen in 2003, recently published a new book called The Strategy Paradox that touches on key issues surrounding innovation and corporate […]
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela takes home this week’s Big Brother Innovation Prize for his decision to launch a new all-seeing, all-powerful, crime-fighting blimp in Caracas: “Venezuela launched a Zeppelin on […]