Researchers find an excellently-exposed caldera in Italy, the legends of Pele may help uncover the history of Kilauea and Redoubt continues to settle down.
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The weekly USGS/Smithsonian Institute volcano activity report … with news from Russia, Papau New Guinea and beyond.
The next in the Mystery Volcano Photo series. Take your best shot!
The answer to the Mystery Volcano Photo #5: Ardoukôba in Djibouti … and to think, somebody got it right!
Volcanoes a’poppin’ in Australia (in theory), the biggest eruption in Germany in the last 20,000 years was hard on the teeth and new monitoring equipment for Mt. Baker.
With spring comes some clear views of Chaiten in Chile, still going strong after 16 months of erupting.
Shiveluch in Kamchatka has been rumbling all summer, but as fall arrives, a large eruption rocks the volcano.
The eruption at Shiveluch calms down over the weekend, the eruption at Soufriere Hills may have calmed down for good and a new rockfall at Halema`uma`u.
Now you can shop in a volcano … but watch out for the insurance premiums!
After weeks of showing signs of an eruption, Mayon sputtered to life this morning – is it a sign for more eruptions to come?
Apparently my readers are much smarter than I imagined, but this Mystery Volcano Photo should be a bit more of a challenge.
I try to give you a challenge, and you nail it on the second try. The answer to Mystery Volcano Photo #4 revealed.
Is seismicity increasing underneath Mt. Rainier?
Should you be buying volcano insurance if you live in certain parts of Australia? Well, probably not just yet.
Nicaragua’s San Cristobal looks like its starting a new eruptive phase this evening, with explosions and ash fall.
Take your best guess as I start the “Mystery Volcano Photo” feature on Eruptions.
The first Mystery Volcano Photo (MVP) is revealed as Concepcion in Nicaragua. Leave it to my readers to get it – no clues provided.
Your (late) USGS/SI volcano update and more shots of the ash plumes from Rabaul.
Mystery Volcano Photo #2 … take your best shot at identifying this volcano.
The second Mystery Volcano Photo was apparently way too easy for you savvy volcanophiles, so here’s another to test you over the weekend.
The weekly update on volcanic activity presented by the Smithsonian and the USGS.
Many people ask what books on volcanoes should they check out … well, here’s my list of the best general and technical volcano books.
The Halema`uma`u Crater continues to revive itself after the rockfall that clogged the vent ever-so-briefly earlier this summer.
Life is already taking back Kasatochi in Alaska, sulfur dioxide emissions have doubled at Mayon but an eruption may not be in the cards and tourism suffers around a Costa Rican volcano.
The slow volcanic summer continues, but a few volcanoes continue to rumble, including Popocatépetl and Chaiten.
For the first time in sixty years, six volcanoes are erupting out in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
I talk earthquakes on this Friday’s Flotsam post, along with an estimate of how much Kilauea has erupted from the Haleuma`uma`u Crater since it started erupting last year.
Excavating the Minoan eruption on Santorini, images of Rabaul and a snippet of information about the new signs of life at Gorely in Kamchatka.
The WORLD’S DEADLIEST VOLCANOES! Alright, not really, but we all love the “World’s Blankiest Blanks”, now don’t we (to a fault)? Oh yeah, and the moon’s surface was once totally molten.
New activity in the Philippines and Kuril Islands, but things are calming down at a few former hotbeds in Kamchatka.