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On the impact of the increased cost of health labor John C. Goodman predicts: “Huge labor market upheaval and high unemployment, looking indefinitely into the future.”
“Can we envision a world without God? Would this world be good?” Dutch primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal says we are no different from apes when it comes to altruism.
“Organized religion’s increasing identification with conservative politics is a turnoff to more and more young adults. Evangelical Protestantism has been hit hard by this development.”
“All anybody is asking is that the rich pay more in taxes—in effect, that they reinvest in society by a little more than they do now.” Jonathan Cohn urges a fair tax code.
“Closing the loophole that encourages foreigners to come to the United States to make their future children U.S. citizens would not address the larger question of birthright citizenship.”
“High on hope, supporters heralded Obama as the new FDR. Two years later, many feel disillusioned. But FDR’s actual record puts today’s gripes about Obama into perspective.”