Environmental groups spend more money on climate-change and clean-energy activities and campaigns than sceptical right-wing groups, according to a report by U.S. social scientist Matthew Nisbet.
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UPDATE: Read the Nature editorial which dubs Climate Shift “essential reading for anyone with a passing interest in the climate debate.” Nature magazine has posted a news story about the […]
For humans, life around the Gulf has largely returned to normal one years after the B.P. oil spill. Questions linger about the health of wildlife, however, as several species continue to suffer.
N.A.S.A. is turning to private companies to replace the space shuttles, and it will give four proposals from the likes of Boeing and SpaceX $269 million this year to develop space taxis.
In a country referred to as “the worst place to be a child”, for five years now, Abraham “Abramz” Tekya has been using hip hop and breakdance to empower, rehabilitate, […]
Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. Some of the most enthusiastic about the upcoming Royal Wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William are American friends of mine. We have already despatched […]
So the most honest and penetrating book I’ve read about American higher education in a long time is HIGHER EDUCATION: HOW COLLEGES ARE WASTING OUR MONEY AND FAILING OUR KIDS–AND […]
Every Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below […]
The more educated you are the more likely your marriage will be a happy one.
Sam Biddle says date sites like Match.com should screen out sex offenders. But how far should such screening go? And once a sex offender always a sex offender?
ProPublica, a non-profit news startup, scooped up a Pulitzer Prize on Monday, its second in two years and the first ever for a series of stories that were not also published in print.
In the near future, an intelligent electricity grid may collect data across neighborhoods, cities and states to inform consumers of the cheapest time to use energy, but the system carries privacy risks.
UPDATE: See additional reponse to statements made by Joe Romm. Last night marked the release of the report Climate Shift: Clear Vision for the Next Decade of Public Debate, part of a […]
The disappearance of digital information is an issue our global society must address better or we won’t lose bits and bytes, we’ll lose our history, warns Read Write Web.
The latest installment of the BigThink Global Roundtable on the Future of Economic Competition asks about the future of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency — and what […]
More than half of British adults are so worried about their online reputation they would love to erase all they had ever posted on the Internet about themselves, a new survey shows.
Let’s get to some updates on volcanic (or possibly not) rumblings around the world: Philippines: PHIVOLCS are watching Taal closely, but at least over the last 24 hours, seismicity at […]
When someone these days is exposed publicly for perpetrating an act of racial bigotry against African Americans, somewhere during their non-apologizing and excuse making, you are almost certain to get […]
Yesterday I had a very pleasant talk with Tim Ridgway of Califone which once more showed how broad the transition period we are currently go through actually is. Califone develops […]
They say that you’re not supposed to apologize for not blogging. Instead, you’re supposed to just start back up again. But I’m usually much more prolific online and have been absent for […]
Forget the mouse and keyboard, and even the swipe, pinch and touch – the next generation of human-computer interactions will be the gesture, the body movement and even thoughts from […]
“What happened to Africa?” an art-world friend of New York Times writer Holland Cotter asked. “It disappeared.” What that friend was alluding to, and what Cotter analyzes in a recent […]
Today, I was planning to write about memory in decision making, but when I came across this new review in Current Directions in Psychological Science, I felt like I had […]
Salman Khan’s self-paced learning model reverses the traditional “one size fits all” educational paradigm. Khan’s model assigns video lectures as homework, and “what used to be homework the students now […]
There are three major functions of higher education: knowledge, socialization and accreditation. How can the Web simulate this experience of college?
Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Mundell argues China’s currency has become “almost de facto convertible” and should be included in the international reserve basket held by the IMF.
Activity at the Philippine caldera Taal continues to increase. The latest update on Taal from PHIVOLCS reports 21 earthquakes under the volcano in the 24 hours between April 17-18, meaning […]
There’s been a violent backlash on Greece’s streets over the country’s austerity package and $157b bailout. Angry Greeks are pressing for the country to default on its debt.
Aung San Suu Kyi: “Human beings want to be free and however long they may agree to stay locked up, to stay oppressed, there will come a time when they say ‘That’s it.'”
Finnish voters have ousted a pro-bailout government and hung a question mark over Europe’s plans to rescue Portugal and other debt-ridden economies.