In theory, we could use high-energy lasers to make our own artificial black holes, potentially capturing the enormous energy they emit.
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Recipe for awe: Coat one egg with Starlite. Blast it with a ridiculous amount of heat until charred black. Crack it open.
The secret to a calmer trip to work could be hidden in plain sight.
Turns out the more we desire a food, the more we have to consume to feel satiated.
Dark matter is one of the most puzzling, unintuitive concepts in all of physics. But we still need it. Our Universe isn’t like us. While we’re made of atoms, and other […]
On Tuesday, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew by the space rock, located some 4 billion miles away from Earth.
The study shows when the ‘Napoleon complex’ is most likely to emerge.
Three study participants described their own memories as almost completely lacking a first-person perspective or involving any sense of “re-experiencing.”
Depending on the answer, one of the famous unsolved Millennium problems could have major implications in our lives.
We often think only of grown ups taking pills, this study reminds us children can take them too.
Billions of years ago, the Milky Way would have been unrecognizable. Here’s how it took its modern shape. The Milky Way galaxy may be just one of trillions in the observable […]
It’s possible that the Higgs boson is connected to a bizarre doomsday scenario for the universe.
With 1.6 billion households in the world, how does Santa do it? With a little Christmas magic… and a lot of science! How does Santa Claus do it? In one long […]
To go beyond meaning you might need a helpful phrase.
Despite being 28 years old and having a gyroscope failure, Hubble still delivered these 10 amazing snapshots in 2018. Year after year since its 1990 launch, Hubble keeps revolutionizing our view […]
Eight-dimensional octonions may hold the clues to solve fundamental mysteries.
Some games are just for fun, others are for thought provoking statements on life, the universe, and everything.
Remaining mentally active slows dementia’s symptoms, if not its progress.
If you think you have problems today, be glad you’re not moving at the speed of light. Special relativity, even though it’s over 100 years old, is still one of the […]
When Cresswell returned to teaching after a five-year break, she noticed a marked difference in the ways undergraduates approached learning in the classroom.
The Tesla CEO said the Hardware 3 upgrade has “1000 percent more capability” than the current hardware.
Consider the decline and fall of the South China Morning Post.
Studies from neuroscience highlight how the brain both helps with and prevents collaboration.
Following World War I, President Woodrow Wilson nearly died trying to ensure world peace.
As individuals, we scientists are all flawed. But the enterprise of science rises above our individual shortcomings. The enterprise of science is perhaps the greatest achievement in all of human […]
Some of them were surprisingly astute.
The country’s paperless system serves as a model to other nations.
A new study reveals that it increases eye pressure, negating the effects of THC.