It’s one factor that can help explain the religiosity gap.
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It could put the American fossil fuel industry on a clear path to extinction.
With an assist from Einstein’s gravity and the power of the Hubble Space Telescope, it’s the brightest quasar we’ve ever discovered. In astronomy, there are two types of questions to […]
A growing body of research shows promising signs that the keto diet might be able to improve mental health.
Evolution doesn’t clean up after itself very well.
Failures are going to happen. That’s just the way things are. Beyond the thing that didn’t quite manage to work out, though, there’s more that can go off the rails, […]
It may create the conditions for further inequality.
Thinking your life is worthwhile is correlated with a variety of positive outcomes.
Jeff Bezos, the founder of, explains his plan for success.
It has already found several bizarre planets outside of our solar system.
Kepler showed us that the Universe is full of planets around other stars. TESS is giving us our next great leap. It’s been nearly a decade since NASA’s Kepler mission first […]
Some experts say there’s no such thing. I choose to believe there likely is.
Is this the real life or is it just fantasy? And does it really even matter?
A new study explores how certain personality traits affect individuals’ attitudes on obesity in others.
The history of the Geneva Conventions tells us how the international community draws the line on brutality.
And you thought red-light cameras were bad…
Need to know how an election will turn out? Call your bookie.
The Green New Deal is an ambitious attempt to fight climate change, but is it destined to hit the political skids?
Air pollution is up to five times over the EU limit in these Central London hotspots.
White-nose syndrome is nearly as lethal to bats as the Black Plague was for humans.
This is what we’ve learned from first object ever discovered to enter our Solar System from interstellar space. Billions of years ago, our Solar System was an extraordinarily different place […]
Arranged marriages and Western romantic practices have more in common than we might think.
New research on the public’s opinion about genetically modified foods illustrates an alarming cognitive bias.
A new report says there’s not as much evidence of physical harm as you might think.
Business experts recommend transparency as a way to strengthen engagement by keeping employees in touch with the meaning and value of their work, and to help hold decision-makers accountable for […]
China’s Chang’e 4 biosphere experiment marks a first for humankind.
The Harvard psychologist loves reading authors’ rules for writing. Here are his own.
Stress affects everyone, but there’s something you can do about it.
Florida researchers offer schools a simple message: Send home report cards earlier in the week.