Beefless meat enters the mainstream.
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In her new Netflix special, Amy Schumer gets real about fear.
Artistic and statistic cartography projects show the U.K. divided like never before.
Earth wasn’t the only potentially habitable planet in the early Solar System. What happened to Mars? If you could travel back in time to the early stages of the Solar System, […]
A recent study could help improve treatments for PTSD, anxiety and phobias.
Few students will become architects, but architecture may be able teach them more about real-life problem-solving than geometric proofs.
Biographies, treatises and stories on the occult and its strange cast of characters.
“History is always written by the winners,” goes the saying. It’s also true that history is continually being made, and the identity of the “winner” continually shifts. In his Big […]
If dark energy is causing the Universe to disappear, how can we still find and see ultra-distant stars and galaxies? In the 1920s, scientists discovered that the Universe was expandingbased […]
A new study has some disturbing implications for rodents who like a nice soda.
Landlords aren’t the ones getting rich off of renting properties; slumlords are.
Some are worried this represents an Orwellian move. At heart, it’s not.
Unfortunately, this means that drivers act more aggressively on the road when spotting cyclists.
The visible light portion of the spectrum is tiny compared to the whole thing. Here’s what we’re missing. When you look at the Milky Way in visible light, you might see […]
The diet claims that people with different blood types process their food differently. Does it pass muster?
The ancient Egyptians worshiped cats as gods. Cats have never forgotten this.
A recent Colorado study of ER visits is alarming medical professionals.
Love, grief, and moral disgust aren’t unique to humans. Like chimps, humans sometimes struggle for dominance, but our first impulse is trust and connection. Frans de Waal has spent decades showing that most of what we believe about animals, humans, and the differences between us is wrong.
LIGO and Virgo have now detected a total of 11 binary merger events. But exactly 0 were in the Milky Way. Here’s why. One of the most spectacular recent advances in […]
What gives us color now may give rise to our cyborg future.
How the story of a statistics student being late to class became the inspiration for the protagonist of Good Will Hunting.
Monsanto just lost a major court battle to a man who said he developed cancer after using Roundup.
In order to reap the greatest rewards, we have to think big and invest big. One of these four missions will deliver like never before. When it comes to exploring the […]
This may be more common in mammals than we’d thought.
The discovery could lead to improved treatments for chronic pain.
Chronic procrastination is associated with a slew of negative health outcomes.
Finland’s educational system was driven by a culture that supports a strong social contract, one the United States currently lacks.
Modern notions about the Illuminati are the result of a satirical cult-classic book.
Business, on every level, is becoming more multi-cultural. Whether it’s embracing diversity internally, expanding to multiple sites around the world, or entering distant markets such as China, never has it […]
The transition across a quantum barrier is known as quantum tunneling, and the amount of time it takes for such a transition to occur had never been measured before. For […]