Check out the curriculum for the nation’s first cannabis-focused bachelor’s program.
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From gun control to immigration, Americans remain split on a handful of contentious issues.
A volcano in California is a hot spot for conspiracy theorists.
Black hole mergers are some of the most energetic events in the Universe. Could the gravitational waves they produce ever harm us? The Universe is not a static, stable place. Out […]
A deep-learning model identifies a powerful new drug that can kill some antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
MIT engineers devise a decision map to identify the best mission type to deflect an incoming asteroid.
A microbial organism pulls electricity from water in the air.
It really is the ‘glue’ that holds the Universe together, enabling structures like our own galaxy to form in the first place. One of the most puzzling and counterintuitive facts about […]
A few traditions in the Roman Catholic Church can be traced back to pagan cults, rites, and deities.
Scientific surprises are often how science advances. But more often than not, they’re just bad science. When you’re a scientist, getting an unexpected result can be a double-edged sword. The best […]
Is there a way for more human-centered algorithms to prevent potentially triggering interactions on social media?
Methane is 80 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
A song many consider the black national anthem rises again in the United States.
Do you want Facebook or Google to control your legacy?
And how cutting just $1 billion per year in funding from NASA’s budget would be a catastrophe for science. When you think of the great cosmic beyond and what we know […]
Infidelity, an inherently selfish behavior, has been analyzed by researchers to help us understand why people cheat in relationships.
From understanding human aggression to epigenetics, Stanford University offers all 25 lessons of this fascinating course for free on YouTube.
Tweak the way you’re coping and you can lower your anxiety levels.
Being ahead of the curve can be a dangerous place. These 7 thinkers were driven from their homelands over it.
Minnesota earned its ‘blue mark’ in the 1975 Morris earthquake, which had its epicenter in the western part of the state.
Research dating back to the 1950s explains why the foot fetish makes total sense.
Only one dark matter detection experiment ever gave a positive result, in conflict with all the others. This could be why. For multiple generations now, it’s been apparent to astronomers that […]
Can AI make better predictions about future crimes?
Can reading increase empathy and charitable thinking?
Increasing numbers of seniors need help with basic tasks. It doesn’t have to be that way.
We’ve come fantastically far in our understanding of the distant Universe. Here’s how we’ll go even farther. Sometime in 2021, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will launch, deploy, and begin science […]
Physicist Frank Wilczek proposes new methods of searching for extraterrestrial life.
Global warming has shown that permafrost is not so permanent after all.
The origin and phylogeny of the Yaravirus are not yet clear.
Is the experience we call “love” felt the same in every language?