Your fear of anxiety could be preventing you from treating your anxiety, according to new Penn State research.
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Just because your team has gone remote doesn’t mean you need to be vulnerable to hacks, breaches, and scams.
New research suggests anti-vaxxers overestimate all problems associated with mortality.
It’s not the only one of its kind, but it’s definitely makes no sense without dark matter. Throughout the Universe, galaxies and star clusters come in all different sizes and masses. […]
Neurons that store abstract representations of past experiences are activated when a new, similar event takes place.
Groundbreaking new research suggests gamma-ray bursts are caused by a star’s collapsing magnetic field.
Researchers advise using emojis to improve communication under coronavirus isolation.
In principle, the laws of physics are the same forwards and backwards. But in practice, time only runs in one direction. Most of the laws of physics are the same […]
From the mid-19th century, fossils were used as evidence for continental drift – but mainstream scientists didn’t buy it until the 1950s.
All stars will eventually die. But we’ve never seen ones die like this before. When you look up at the sky, most of the points of light we see appear to […]
The smart toilet can analyze urine and stool samples for disease markers and can even recognize an individual user’s “analprint”.
Astrophysics has probed a test of a fundamental law, ‘Lorentz invariance,’ well beyond the LHC’s limits. Einstein is still right. The greatest scientific legacy that Albert Einstein left us is this: […]
Researchers argue that most coronavirus infections around the world go undetected.
Johann Hari knows that mental health is really a social issue.
Gyms and fitness centers are closed, but your living room is always open.
Fires pose a major health risk to people living near irradiated sites.
A binary white dwarf in a tight, super-fast rotation looks to be pumping out gravitational waves.
In 774/775, tree rings show a spike in carbon-14 unlike anything else. At last, scientists think they know why. Every once in a while, science gives us a mystery that comes […]
If you surreptitiously pick your nose, chances are that everyone can see you doing it.
How can we promote the creation of new neurons – and why is it so important?
Nuclear weapons, whale sharks, and how to use both to make eco-tourism more sustainable.
Scientists discovered footprints made by some of the largest creatures ever to walk the Earth.
Central banks face a Herculean task to keep economies right-side up.
A new study from Singapore found that intermittent fasting increases neurogenesis.
Your opinions about a large number of complex scientific issues are probably wrong. That’s why we have science. In 2016, an Italian virologist named Roberto Burioni was invited to appear on […]
We’ve all had days where the drive home has us fuming over some belittling comment a coworker made, gossip they’ve spread about you, or a meeting where they’ve taken credit […]
Everyone has a vague idea of what a corporate brand is. Disney has its swoopy signature logo. Apple is about innovative thinking. State Farm has its catchy jingle. And Reese’s Peanut Butter […]
Combining various mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) can have numerous health benefits, according to new research.
Need a distraction during these stay-at-home times? Look up tonight to see the first supermoon of spring.
A global brainstorming marathon is throwing together brilliant ideas from around the world to rapidly develop solutions to combat the coronavirus pandemic.