Love a good villain? It says a lot about you.
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Health care professionals worldwide are facing a second crisis, the consequences of which we’re only beginning to understand.
Two of Iceland’s largest whaling companies are keeping their boats in port this summer. One of them permanently.
Brain-computer interfaces give scientists their closest look so far at what the human brain does while we’re asleep.
We all share atoms with every person, living or dead, on Earth. There’s more in common among us than you might think. When you eat food, drink liquids, or even breathe […]
Some hold that mental disorders are brain diseases. Others argue that they’re social constructs used to medicalise aberrant behaviour.
Being aware of this issue is a big first step in helping vulnerable communities (such as those struggling with addiction) combat relapse during this pandemic.
A clip of this disingenuous documentary is making the rounds.
Price gouging is prohibited in 34 US states and Washington D.C. But two scholars ask whether that’s the way it should be.
Have we already found dark matter? It may be hiding in existing data, says a study.
The coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the innovations that have been desperately needed in higher education all along.
Here’s what the world’s space agencies hope to learn about the Red planet.
A European start-up uses satellite data to pinpoint individual sources of abnormal methane concentration.
Is the cult of youth what we really want trailing us into the afterlife?
Today’s agriculture workers face 21 days of heat that exceed safety standards. That number will double by 2050.
A generation ago, NASA launched their great observatories to explore the Universe. It’s time for round 2. Throughout the history of astronomy, every advance we’ve ever made has come about because […]
Most homes are using insufficient methods to determine when chicken is done cooking and safe to eat.
The 57-year-old is teaming up with NASA and SpaceX for the film project, which is to be set aboard the International Space Station.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen might have discovered a cure.
It’s 100 years since astronomy’s famous ‘great debate.’ We still haven’t learned the most compelling lesson of all. So, you’ve arrived at a crossroads: you think the world works in a […]
Your morning coffee is good for you – if you drink it at the right time.
On May 4, 1970, the National Guard shot and killed four students during an anti-war protest. The massacre went on to change American culture forever.
Apps that warn about close contact with COVID-19 cases can help relax social distancing rules.
Those ancient Chinese philosophers earned their insights.
Across the land, state-driven pacts, partnerships, councils and task forces replace a coordinated federal response.
In both visible light and infrared, we get a preview of the spectacular advances that await the James Webb Space Telescope. What astronomers see isn’t just determined by the telescope […]
A leading British space scientist thinks there is life under the ice sheets of Europa.
It should be just as sticky (or non-sticky) as normal matter. Here’s how we know. Not only here on Earth, but everywhere in the Universe that we look, we find structures […]
I’m a small business owner in New York City. Until the CARES Act was passed, which offered loans to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis, I’d forgotten my bank […]
Combining two fabrics is the best way to filter out infectious coronavirus particles according to a new study.