The experience of life flashing before one’s eyes has been reported for well over a century, but where’s the science behind it?
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A brief passage from a recent UN report describes what could be the first-known case of an autonomous weapon, powered by artificial intelligence, killing in the battlefield.
Israeli food-tech company DouxMatok (Hebrew for “double sweet”) has created a sugary product that uses 40 percent less actual sugar yet still tastes sweet.
Watch the plasma slide down the prominence like a roller coaster! Our Sun, despite it’s outward appearance as a perfectly hot sphere, is anything but uniform. When take a closer look […]
She helped create CRISPR, a gene-editing technology that is changing the way we treat genetic diseases and even how we produce food.
A school lesson leads to more precise measurements of the extinct megalodon shark, one of the largest fish ever.
Milgram’s experiment is rightly famous, but does it show what we think it does?
As the American population grows, fewer people will die of cancer.
An artist’s impression of what the fully-deployed James Webb Space telescope will look like from the perspective of an observer on the ‘dark’ (non-Sun-facing) side of the observatory. (NORTHRUP GRUMMAN) […]
China has reached a new record for nuclear fusion at 120 million degrees Celsius.
A new study suggests that reports of the impending infertility of the human male are greatly exaggerated.
A year of disruptions to work has contributed to mass burnout.
Buildings don’t have to be permanent — modular construction can make them modifiable and relocatable.
An early feasibility study finds a potential new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
Vaccines can be grown in and extracted from the leaves of plants.
Three of our dimensions are spatial and one is temporal, but could there be more? From any point in space, you are free to move in any direction you choose. No […]
The following is an excerpt from Viruses, Pandemics, and Immunity by Arup K. Chakraborty and Andrey S. Shaw. Reprinted with Permission from The MIT PRESS. Copyright 2021. Koch’s Postulates, Anthrax, […]
A cartogram makes it easy to compare regional and national GDPs at a glance.
Despite the enormous flood of recent reports, there’s no good evidence for a lab leak. At the very end of 2019, a new disease began to emerge in humans: COVID-19. Originally […]
Asking science to determine what happened before time began is like asking, “Who were you before you were born?”
According to this research, eight percent of Americans always refuse vaccines. Why?
A well-known psychology trick called the “rubber hand illusion” could be useful for treating patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
With 5,000 square degrees of data, the Dark Energy Survey has something important to say. For as long as humans have been studying the Universe, we’ve yearned to know the answers […]
When does a healthy desire for wealth morph into greed? And how can we stop it?
Researchers were even able store and read a 767-kilobit full-color short movie file in the fabric.
Problem-solving skills are in demand. Every job posting lists them under must-have qualifications, and every job candidate claims to possess them, par excellence. Young entrepreneurs make solutions to social and […]
Information economics suggests that “no news” means somebody is hiding something. But people are bad at noticing that.
Why saying, “I don’t know,” might be the best thing you can do.