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New evidence suggests that remnants of Martian microbes were transported to Earth in a meteorite that crashed into Antarctica 13,000 years ago.
A British student who pleaded guilty to outraging public decency has been spared jail by a court after he was arrested for urinating on a war memorial.
A teenager who claimed to have been bitten on the neck by an older man during a showing of vampire flick ”New Moon” has admitted to having made the story up.
Making a spacecraft powered by dark matter or a black hole would be a formidable task, but appears to be possible according to top physicists.
Questions are being asked about the financial health of Dubai after a major, government-owned investment firm asked to delay the repayment of its $59bn debt pile.
The CIA’s “Magic Manual”, a book on trickery and misdirection written by magician John Mulholland, has magically reappeared.
It’s been an exciting Wednesday morning here at Big Think. Not only were we pleased to present our Nobel Wisdom series, having interviewed two recent laureates in the past several […]
Residents of an Australian community have been overrun by an invasion of thousands of camels – and many people are scared to leave their homes.
If you mix salt water with fresh water you create instant carbon-neutral energy – the process is called osmotic power and the world’s first osmotic power plant has just opened.
Stanford scholars are considering the legal implications of using robots – with issues extending beyond personal injury and property damage to criminal and civil rights.