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by Guest Blogger, Marion Ginopolis nn In an interview some time ago with Scholastic Administrator, Ian Jukes stated, “What many educators still don’t appreciate is that technology is a tool, […]
Thus far, I have posted about educational conspiracy, challenging the competitive nature of schools, and assessing assessments.  What follows is a topic near and dear to everyone’s career and workplace.  […]
Brilliance in the morning: The New York Times had an absolutely wonderful op-ed today (some of you may have noticed that I have been strongly disagreeing with Victoria Clark’s piece […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] n Two weeks ago I reported on my second effort to catalog the edublogosphere, to put some shape and form to the amorphous network, to […]
You heard it here first. The new issue of Sada al-Malahim should be out soon. Of great curiosity this time will be whether or not the organization addresses al-Awfi’s confessions, […]
It’s not “OK” for us to simply abstain from teaching kids to think simply based on the fact that we have to administer a test at the end of the […]
I was turned on to Bekka by my friend Ben. She’s an amazingly talented writer/photographer. Go check out her work, I have started following her Flickr feed and blog. The […]