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You searched for: Virtual Worlds

More than half of all U.S. companies have banned employees from using Facebook at work. Dylan Taylor argues that on-the-job socializing is essential to the success of the modern enterprise.
Recently a company in the Netherlands known as “Moddr.Net” released a software application allowing users to commit “virtual suicide.”  Their free product, the “Web 2.0 Suicide Machine” allows users to […]
This essay was previously published on AlterNet. In a campaign speech in September, Rick Perry hit upon some familiar Republican themes: Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry, in an appeal to […]
BY JASON SILVA “We are enraptured prose-beings raised to the highest power”. – Walter Benjamin, On Hashish Timothy Leary and Buckminster Fuller called themselves “performing philosophers”, using the power of […]
School reform efforts across the country hang on the notion of annual teacher evaluations based heavily on student test scores. But if this process isn’t consistently accurate, it will get the wrong teachers fired and discourage talented people from entering the profession.