“After a very long wait, the image that the world has awaited is finally here!”
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Take a moment today to appreciate exactly how lucky we are to have what we do. “It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years […]
Amidst the great plane of the Milky Way, a glittering masterpiece awaits. “[T]his all fades to black, and it’s gone. It’s dust. Choose carefully what you obsess about.” -Meshell Ndegeocello […]
The teachings of the Buddha dissect existence into fundamental elements. Contrary to René Descartes, this dhamma is not pure bricks and mortar, or pure materialism; it describes the make-up of all reality in a holistic, all-encompassing way.
Peeking out through the galaxy’s dust, this ancient relic has plenty to offer if you know where to look! “When someone demands blind obedience, you’d be a fool not to peek.”–Jim […]
Here’s what it would look like if we started dreaming again. “There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program — your tax-dollar will go further.” –Wernher von Braun […]
The image above is a composite of images taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft looking down on Saturn and its rings.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has detected propylene, a chemical used to create food storage containers and other plastic items, on Saturn’s largest moon. It’s the first time this chemical has been found anywhere outside of Earth.
But with its gaps and unusual structure, we’re lucky it did. “But touch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and […]
The Sun — like nearly all stars — burns bright through its nuclear reactions, sending light, heat and energy out into the Universe over a timespan of billions of years. But how? “The sun is […]
What glitters with the brilliance of 100,000 Suns? This guy. “It’s not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it’s what you have on the inside that shines […]
We all feel bad for Pluto, but it had its demotion coming. “I have announced this star as a comet, but since it is not accompanied by any nebulosity and, further, […]
The massive storm that wrapped itself around the planet in 2010-2011 seems to have dredged up water ice from an invisible lower atmospheric layer, according to NASA researchers.
Although we’re all under the same skies, those at Mexican latitudes will especially enjoy this one tonight! “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on […]
This image is a collage of more than 1,400 images shared by people on Earth who “waved” back to Saturn.
How a “New Star” appearing in 1572 paved the way for us to truly begin understanding our Universe. “I conclude, therefore, that this star is not some kind of comet […]
Look up at Saturn tonight and Saturn will be looking back at you. Well, not exactly, but the Cassini spacecraft will be orbiting Saturn and taking a picture of you.
NASA’s Cassini orbiter has spent 8 years taking pictures of Saturn’s rings and moons, resulting in 200,000 pictures, and this wonderful video montage below.
Here is the view from Saturn. Earth is the brighter of the two spots in the image.
The device employs the same technology NASA uses to locate Cassini’s position in deep space. With it, searchers can find people buried under as much as 30 feet of crushed material.
The bright surrounding ring is atmospheric haze above Titan, the largest Moon of Saturn. This image was captured by the robotic Cassini spacecraft.
If we knew all we do about math and physics, but had never seen the heavens, what would we conclude? “Both the solutions must be rejected, and as these are […]
Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter will all be visible in the August night skies, as will the annual Perseid meteors. A number of nebulas will also be easy to find among the constellations.
Why the kind of knowledge you get by asking the Universe questions about itself is the most valuable type of knowledge there is. “I’m also uncomfortable with dogmatic believers; to my […]
The spacecraft currently in residence near Saturn will position itself to capture what our planet looks like from almost 900 million miles away. It’s the first-ever intentional photo session from deep space, which means we have time to dress up.
In the history of discovery, most discoverers struggled to recognize their discovery. The value of Gregor Mendel’s famous pea experiments were only recognized decades after his death. Without the theory […]
Ron Miller has painted the planets as if they were the same distance from Earth as the Moon, in order to demonstrate their size.
While this is one violent storm, scientists were actually the most surprised by how much the hurricane seems to resemble one on Earth.
According to a new study published in this week’s Nature, icy particles inside the rings erode into the upper atmosphere and eventually form rain water that falls on parts of the planet.
Images from NASA’s Cassini probe show a weather phenomenon that’s never been observed on any other planet in the solar system, including ours.