Creating more neural circuits through visual landmarking not only benefits your spatial orientation, it could keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay.
Average waiting time for hitchhikers in Ireland: Less than 30 minutes. In southern Spain: More than 90 minutes.
Elon Musk took issue with recent ideas for space exploration from Jeff Bezos.
Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
Tracking project establishes northern Argentina is wintering ground of Swainson’s hawks
Proxima Centauri, our closest star, is more than 4 light years away. Reaching it under 10,000 years will be challenging; reaching it with living humans will be even harder.
The new charge was announced in a tweet by the city’s mayor.
Silent, carbon-free propulsion with no moving parts.
The closer together we get, the argument goes, the healthier we’ll be.
Future vacationing could be pretty different.
Most of those who try to sneak stuff onboard succeed.
Are we sure this isn’t alien technology?
Self-cleaning trays may be on the horizon across the world.
The billionaire is also inviting eight artists along with him. It would be the first time a civilian crew has participated in a mission to the moon.
Considering that the United States remains the world’s only superpower, that begs the question: How informed are Americans when it comes to their country’s vast global power?
A new paper suggests population size and migration explain the sudden bursts of innovation seen 50,000 years ago.
Do you walk up the escalator, or stand and let yourself be delivered to the top? One of these methods is more efficient than the other.
Paris, France is just too real for some tourists to handle. This results in Japanese tourists getting sick, and seeking therapy because of unmet expectations.
Studies show that participants who had more travel experience were more likely to cheat on tests, and believe in moral relativity.
The Antipode may one day revolutionize your commute. It would be 10 times faster than the Concorde and take you across the ocean before you could finish an episode of The Simpsons.
RIP to the 9 to 5 work day. Kathryn Minshew (CEO of career directory platform The Muse) is pro-unlimited vacation time and offers her employees a 1-month paid sabbatical after five years. How can we all live this dream?
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