artificial intelligence
Controversial physics theory says reality around us behaves like a computer neural network.
From cryonics to time travel, here are some of the (highly speculative) methods that might someday be used to bring people back to life.
A new study used artificial intelligence to analyze relationship data from thousands of couples.
Scientists are seeking ways to safely connect computers to the brain.
So far, 30 student teams have entered the Indy Autonomous Challenge, scheduled for October 2021.
Researchers discover how to use light instead of electricity to advance artificial intelligence.
If machines develop consciousness, or if we manage to give it to them, the human-robot dynamic will forever be different.
16 min
Some of the world’s top minds weigh in on one of the most divisive questions in tech.
17 min
Researchers are making progress in the effort to develop safe and practical supernumerary robotic limbs.
The programming giant exits the space due to ethical concerns.
Mathematicians studied 100 billion tweets to help computer algorithms better understand our colloquial digital communication.
We’d like to think that judging people’s worth based on the shape of their head is a practice that’s behind us.
A U.S. government intelligence agency develops cutting-edge tech to predict future events.
The pandemic has given us an early glimpse at how truly disruptive the fourth industrial revolution may be, and the measures we’ll need to support human dignity.
The system can even be designed to send alerts to employees when they’ve come too close to a coworker.
Should humans fear artificial intelligence or welcome it into our lives?
3 min
A new web startup is selling algorithmically produced nudes of non-existent women. There’s still some ethical concerns.
A.I. hasn’t come for our jobs just yet, but it can figure out who is looking for a new one.
Without regulations, implicit bias could shape artificial intelligence into a nightmare for some.
4 min
If its claims are true, Clearview AI has quietly blown right past privacy norms to become the nightmare many have been fearing.
Job applicants now have to contend with the growing use of artificial intelligence in hiring decisions.
The noted astronomer and author Carl Sagan came up with a famous dictum acronymed ECREE.
First of a 3-part series about future technologies and their role in human flourishing.
A company claims to make the world’s first humanoid android and offers ‘digital immortality”.
Philosopher Nick Bostrom’s “singleton hypothesis” predicts the future of human societies.
A review of the multifaceted questions we’ll ask to determine whether robots have a felt quality of experience — an “inner feel.”
5 min
Scientists discover the inner workings of an effect that will lead to a new generation of devices.
Increasingly sophisticated automation technology can save big money for banks by paring down the workforce.