Many still cling to the idea that we live in a deterministic Universe, despite the nature of quantum physics. Now, the “least spooky” interpretation no longer works.
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You searched for: shore shore
‘Dorozoku’ map crowd-sources the whereabouts of noisy kids in Japan – but who’s being anti-social here, exactly?
Interactive globe shows where your hometown was at various stages of Earth’s deep geological past.
Ancient corridors below the French capital have served as its ossuary, playground, brewery, and perhaps soon, air conditioning.
An artificial island in the North Sea is the biggest building project ever in Danish history – and could pave the way for many more.
All of these conflicts have a long history. They may also have a long future.
Affluence could be our real downfall.
While building a new airport, construction crews uncover a gigantic collection of ancient bones.
It looks like a busy hurricane season ahead. Probably.
According to international law, the seabed belongs to everyone.
When Tal Golesworthy was told he was at risk of his aorta bursting, he wasn’t impressed with the surgery on offer – so he came up with his own idea.
The pandemic reminds us that our higher education system, with all its flaws, remains a key part of our strategic reserve.
The Baltic nation rolls out an unlikely tourist attraction: 47 weird ice cream flavors.
Techshot’s 3D BioFabrication Facility successfully printed human heart tissue aboard the International Space Station.
A new study says that it could be centuries before millions of the classic toys submerged in the Earth’s seas disintegrate.
Victorians want to rectify 19th-century surveying error – and become South Australians.
An open letter predicts that a massive wall of rock is about to plunge into Barry Arm Fjord in Alaska.
‘Kanal Istanbul’ would create a second Bosporus – and immortalize its creator.
Iranian Tolkien scholar finds intriguing parallels between subcontinental geography and famous map of Middle-earth.
New book focuses on some of the world’s most peculiar borderlines.
Europe’s border closures due to coronavirus go against a fundamental freedom enshrined in the Schengen Agreement.
Information is the best armor against panic.
A microbial organism pulls electricity from water in the air.
What better way to understand the world around us than through jokes?
It’s telling about attempts to save the industry.
The Black Death skipped certain parts of Europe – and that could be a lesson for today’s coronavirus epidemic
Central banks face a Herculean task to keep economies right-side up.
It contains more water than all the Great Lakes combined, and the science of our planet explains why. Although practically all of Earth’s human population lives on dry land, our surface […]
Anastasia lives alone in perfect harmony with nature – or so the story goes – and nature serves her devotedly.
The net famously failed to work as planned last year. Now, a new version is making waves.