More than 75,000 computers at nearly 2.500 firms in the U.S and worldwide have been hacked into in what a security firm is calling the biggest cyber attack discovered to date.
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You searched for: energy
Normally, I like words a lot more than I like numbers. For example, let’s talk about my quantitative score on the GRE. Actually, let’s not, and just say we did. […]
Death challenges the strength of any family. A suicide can tear a family apart. Art dealer Carl David, fourth in a line of a four-generation family owned art gallery, recounts […]
A Swedish program is helping American families change their lives to see that reducing energy consumption needn’t be painful.
Losing sleep over the bleak future of real estate? You might do well to look into hooking your home (new or old) up to use geothermal energy. Experts are saying […]
The rare earth metal crucial for clean-energy technology is found in vast quantities in China but its export is tightly controlled.
To boil down the philosophy behind today’s burgeoning biomimicry field: mother nature knows best. Biomimicry subscribers believe that nature knows (far better than do we technology-obsessed humans) how to get […]
Your kindergarten teacher warned you not to look directly at the sun, but not to worry: now you can listen to it sing, instead. Scientists have long tracked the intensity […]
Lasers are vaporizing materials including rocks and steel in order to allow scientists to analyze their chemical composition in transference of such techniques from Mars probes to forensics.
After being plagued with technical problems, the partical collider meant to discover the origins of the universe will not run at full power for at least another three years.
As we mentioned in a previous post, Einstein himself was worried about the possibility that time travel was built into his General Theory of Relativity. In 1949, when his good friend […]
As the snow piles up along the East Coast the climate change debate continues to rage with skeptics mocking global warming fears saying it seems more like “global cooling”.
An Iranian nuclear scientist has been killed by bomb in a booby-trapped motorbike which exploded outside his home in a suburb of Tehran.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ignored threats of sanctions by the US and declared Iran a “nuclear state” having produced its first batch of level-20 enriched uranium.
Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin has been ridiculed in the press for being caught with notes scrawled on her hands on more than one occasion when making public speeches.
The United States has reacted warily after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran appeared to accept a deal to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.
If you haven’t yet had an iPod, Mac computer, or other Apple product expire on you (hopefully not mid-jog, as mine did – a real let-down), you’re in a small […]
Behavioral Psychologist Dan Ariely has some ideas on how to get us to reduce our carbon footprints.
5 min
Randy Kennedy’s “The Free-Appropriation Writer,” in today’s New York Times Week in Review, considers the ever-sensitive spectrum of borrowing (said another way, flattery; said another way, plagiarism) that has historically […]
Pet owners keeping watch on the girth of their furry friends are faced with “confusing two-fold variation in calorie density, recommended intake and cost” of low-calorie pet foods.
The Hubble Telescope has taken the earliest snapshots of galaxies in the universe’s infancy, about 600 million years after the Big Bang.
It was only a matter of time before internet users used their “collective energy” to make a collaborative work of literature, writes The Independent.
America, we often hear, doesn’t make things any more. The drop in manufacturing is sometimes blamed on free trade agreements and is seen as part of our long-term economic decline. […]
John Edgar Wideman has always been one of my literary heroes, from the top of his prematurely bald head, a smooth brown dome towering six feet five inches into the […]
President Barack Obama used his first State of the Union address last night to rally his party with rhetoric and stress that in spite of setbacks “We don’t quit. I don’t quit.”
False claims made by the U.N. Panel on Climate Change about the rate of Himalayan glacial melting were used to win governmental grants and have embarrassed the scientific body.
Historian Nancy Koehn sat down with Big Think to talk about the future of business. In this video, she addresses the matter as it pertains to our workforce’s youngest generation: […]
Boeing’s new aircraft is an ambitious engineering feat that sets new standards for air travel in terms of energy efficiency and design—Airbus, eat your heart out.
Only time will tell how historic Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts may prove to be, but for now its effects can clearly be seen rippling through both parties, as Republicans […]
13 billion years later, experimenters at UC Berkeley have recreated conditions one millionth of a second after the Big Bang when bizarre plasma filled the universe.