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You searched for: energy
While pressure to succeed is on the rise, students’ mental health and readiness for college has diminshed.
It’s not a question of could they, but have they? Here’s how we’ll find out. It’s no secret that fragments of asteroids, comets, and other spaceborne objects have been found here […]
The Universe is filled with something, as opposed to nothing, and scientists don’t understand it. When we look around at the Universe: at the planets and stars, at the galaxies […]
Theoretical work tells you where to look, but only experiments can reveal what you’ll find. There are fundamental mysteries out there about the nature of the Universe itself, and it’s our […]
Here’s why you might eat greenhouse gases in the future.
Stressed? Work out anyway.
The third in a three-part series on the history of research on the origin of life.
The barrier to solar energy has always been storage. Now, bottled sunshine has a shelf-life of 18 years.
Cosmologists propose a groundbreaking model of the universe using string theory.
This story was originally published in Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.
A climate catastrophe 2 billion years ago almost ended life on Earth. Here’s the biggest lesson of all. Although it was more than 4½ billion years ago that planet Earth formed, […]
Beyond the oceans boiling and the death of our Sun, Earth’s ultimate fate won’t be determined until far in the distant future. It took the Universe 13.8 billion years to create […]
Strangely, the sun showed no sunspots at the time the photo was taken.
Research finds that only 10% of cities worldwide are affordable.
With tens of thousands of satellites requiring AI-control to avoid collisions, a single solar flare could everything. Over the next few years, the night sky and the volume of space […]
Or, quite possibly, is it more complex than either one of those scenarios? If there’s one lesson that humanity should have learned from the 20th century, it’s this: the Universe […]
We’ve never seen an image of a black hole’s event horizon before. Here’s what we’re expecting, based on what we already know. For hundreds of years, physicists have hypothesized that the […]
If you thought your mother was pushy in her pursuit of grandchildren, wait until you learn about bonobo mothers.
Microbes screened with a new microfluidic process might be used in power generation or environmental cleanup.
Sometimes, the simplest questions of all are the most difficult to meaningfully answer. If you were to take any tiny piece of matter in our known Universe and break it […]
They experience reality differently than we do.
Don’t start investing in flux capacitors just yet, though.
Xenon-124 isn’t stable, and the direct detection of its decay could lead us to an even greater prize. Our Universe is old: 13.8 billion years old, to be precise. Many of […]
Discrimination against people because of their age is a real phenomenon.
It’s possible that the Higgs boson is connected to a bizarre doomsday scenario for the universe.
Could ketosis be the answer to preventing deadly seizures during deep-diving missions?
Rest assured: Kooky ideas like the Earth being flat or vaccines causing autism are nothing new. Humanity has had worse ideas before.
If particles weren’t also waves, the Sun would never achieve nuclear fusion. Without quantum mechanics, life on Earth would never have come to exist. The greatest source of newly-produced energy in […]