A new generation of unconventional fossil fuels is taking hold thanks to new technologies that are expected to diversify global resources away from the Middle East.
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Read Part 2 here. I’ve talked about the weather, the crowds, the protesters and the speakers, and I wanted to end up with some overall impressions. One of the things […]
“Climate change poses a serious challenge to business, and business must be part of the solution,” says Branson. The business mogul says change is happening too slowly.
The dust has cleared from Super Tuesday, and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a 243 delegate lead over Rick Santorum, who has the next highest delegate total. At this […]
While efforts to harness the sea for electricity generation are still in their infancy, the promise of predictable, reliable and clean energy is encouraging increasing investment around the globe.
‘Headline thinking’ — which last week I defined as the natural human tendency to “equate the actions of a certain person (or certain specific people) with the actions of a generic […]
Arthur Brooks, president of the conservative American Enterprise Institute, wants to help you, a stalwart supporter of the free enterprise system, to prevail in the coming Thanksgivings’ dinner table debates. […]
A newly discovered hormone, produced by the body during exercise, is enabling scientists to better understand how exercise works at the cellular level to prevent diseases like obesity and diabetes.
Big companies start off with verve and energy and aspiration and incredible values outside the marketplace that fuel their growth, the grow to the point that they’re no longer in […]
4 min
Writing from Paris, Nicholas Kristof wonders why some of the GOP candidates are decrying Europe. There are serious financial problems, to be sure, but the society is healthier than America’s.
I have a question for Punxsutawney Phil, and it’s not whether there will be six more weeks of winter. It’s whether we actually have a winter at all this year. Sadly, […]
Long before she ever met John Lennon, Yoko Ono established herself as a significant international avant-garde artist. With John by her side, Yoko’s political performance art found a larger audience […]
Beyond wind and solar, a variety of carbon-free energy sources—biofuels, geothermal and advanced nuclear energy—are seen as possible ways of meeting rising global demand.
Fusion energy expert Marcin Jakubowski has begun an open sourced hardware project that allows individuals to create their own simple tools to build stronger, more sustainable communities.
At this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, more than 50 new tablet computers will be introduced, but only one is designed to bring education to the world’s poorest countries.
Every Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below […]
Harnessing sunlight in space could provide effectively limitless amounts of power without the resource limitations or environmental impacts of alternatives like fossil fuels.
In today’s excerpt – thanks to the work of Daniel Kahneman and others, we now increasingly view our cognitive processes as being divided into two systems. System 1 produces the […]
“To me, being a DJ and being the Director of the Media Lab are essentially the same thing,” says Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab.
By the end of January, a third of everyone who has made a New Year’s resolution will have stopped. By July, more than half will lapse. But knowing why could keep you on the right track.
Communities of species previously unknown to science have been discovered on the seafloor near Antarctica, clustered in the hot, dark environment surrounding hydrothermal vents.
To make solar panels, silicon wafers must be heated to high temperatures and that means using a lot of power. But a new optical furnace uses light to heat the cells which requires half the energy.
A Pennsylvania start up has created a fleet of small robots that farm algae to make biodiesel. While still in an early stage, the robots could make fuel that costs 30 to 60 cents per gallon.
A team of scientists, including chemistry Nobel Laureate George Olah, have turned to solid materials based on polyethylenimine to capture carbon from smokestacks and the open air.
New methods of creating solar cells cut manufacturing costs nearly in half. The New Jersey-based company is also working to create super-efficient cells by using nanotechnology.
Environmental groups and climate activists have been harshly critical of Mitt Romney’s unfortunate backtracking on climate science and his commitment to policy action. Much of the criticism has argued that […]
It’s not an uncommon problem – it happened to McDonald’s, it happened to IBM, and it even happened to Apple, says Nancy Koehn, professor of business administration at Harvard.
Renewable energies like solar and wind should not be the government’s top energy priority, says the Department of Energy. The nation must reduce its dependence on foreign oil.
What are five disruptive cleantech innovations that could enable large-scale change? 3D printing, energy harvesting, energy storage, fuel cell technology, and smart meters.
Department of Energy scientists have engineered the E. coli bacteria to digest switchgrass biomass, which could be used create a domestic replacement for gasoline, diesel and jet fuels.