Predicting how emerging technologies will impact industry is more difficult than it seems—and it seems plenty difficult. The reason is that we envision the future based on the present. We […]
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You searched for: blockchain technology
With the interest of these tech giants, it looks like cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Is Bitcoin akin to ‘digital gold’?
Here’s how the world’s technology conversations are changing.
Even a year like 2020 couldn’t prepare Americans for the first few weeks of 2021. The year’s opening act was a siege on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of […]
A glimpse into what a sustainable, inclusive future will look like.
Break into the lucrative world of tech with training you can do anywhere.
The potential of blockchain might have been ruined for you by your unemployed cousin who wears Balenciagas to Thanksgiving dinner and told you to enter into the cryptocurrency market at […]
Research shows that employers are working to find more talent in the blockchain space, and they’re willing to pay higher rates for it.
According to new research carried out by Coinbase, we’re witnessing a significant rise in the number of universities teaching their students about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It turns out that 42% […]
The country’s paperless system serves as a model to other nations.
The social media company has long been expected to make a move into blockchain.
In 2018, The New York Times published a comprehensive expose on the burgeoning crypto movement that detailed the luxurious lives of the newly crypto rich. The article, aptly titled, “Everyone […]
Glenn Albrecht has ideas about how to cope with the effects of a changing world: Invent a new language.
Despite the hype, these technologies aren’t relevant right now. But they could be in the future.
4 min
Back with another one of those block(chain)-rockin’ reads.
The world promised by the internet and social media is one where physical barriers are a thing of the past and communication is instantaneous. The current reality has some of […]
Blockchain technology could help alleviate the struggles of asylum seekers who are many times left in the wake of political fights.
The global financial system is under an increasing amount of pressure to get with the times and evolve to the needs of its customers. Crises like the 2008 housing bubble’s […]
There are some big hurdles for Bitcoin to overcome. Cryptocurrencies must become practical for real-world use.
The biggest questions about cryptocurrency, answered.
What does it mean for the future of the cryptocurrency movement and its impact on the environment?
Cybersecurity costs billions of dollars each year. Building on a blockchain could solve many of our security problems.
What’s the big promise of blockchain in business? Its ability to eliminate the middle man.
3 min
This is what you need to do to keep up with today’s digital progress.
3 min
Is the pessimism about jobs totally unwarented?
Your next payday could be all digital.
Like it or not, agreements made between hackers in Germany, Prague, and elsewhere could reconfigure the economy… and a frightening new world.
Facebook was careful to say that Libra is not maintained internally and is instead serviced by a non-profit collective of companies.