When galaxy clusters merge together, they form the largest objects the Universe will ever create. “On a cosmic scale, our life is insignificant, yet this brief period when we appear in […]
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You searched for: Telescope
The new Moon is brighter than every star in the sky. But you’ll never see it during an eclipse. “Even though the reason for taking the photographs was science, the result […]
The origin of life on Earth may have nothing to do with Earth at all. “An extrapolation of the genetic complexity of organisms to earlier times suggests that life began before […]
The first ultra-deep, ultra-wide field view of the Universe heralded what the 2010s would bring. “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal […]
Looking for some fresh real estate? Somewhere not too crowded, far away from the hustle and bustle of the big city? Well then look no further than GJ 1132b, a new planet just 39 light years away.
When matter falls in, black holes grow. But Hawking radiation says that black holes decay. Who wins? “Maybe that is our mistake: maybe there are no particle positions and velocities, but […]
Unpredictable winters? Seasons that don’t line up? It’s possible with the right configuration, says physics. “Lord of Light! Come to us in our darkness. We offer you these false gods. Take […]
The oddest star known in the galaxy is dimming again, and this time it might give up some of its secrets! “As far as I can tell, every telescope that can […]
With five moons orbiting it, Pluto is the richest rocky world known to date. How did it get that way? “We really expect the mission to be transformational. This is the […]
How looking at a single, distant galaxy cluster can show us the invisible mass filling our space like nothing else. “We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and […]
Each discovery we make seems to raise even more questions. It’s a wonderful example of how science never ends. On August 17th, both the light and the gravitational wave signals from […]
Why it’s not “the next Hubble,” but “the first James Webb.” “…because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because that challenge is […]
Astronomers trace the origin of repeating radio bursts from deep space to a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away.
No, you are most definitely not entitled to your own facts. In fact, you’re required to disclose what evidence would change your mind! “You must remember, my dear lady, the most […]
TRAPPIST-1 is 40 light years from Earth. It would take us millions of years to get there.
There is, and never will be, a substitute for the real knowledge we’ve obtained about the actual Universe. “There are two infinities that confuse me: the one in my soul […]
99 years ago, General Relativity was still unproven. During the 1918 eclipse, a small team of Americans almost changed that. “Astronomers are greatly disappointed when, having traveled halfway around the world […]
Nearly 100 years after Hubble first showed us the Universe is expanding, we still don’t know its rate. “In the far, far future, essentially all matter will have returned to […]
How gravitational magnification allows us to see what we’ve never seen before. “The problem is, you’re trying to find these really faint things, but you’re looking behind these really bright things. […]
A blacker-than-black coating reveals how our senses totally fail without input they understand.
We’ve discovered some behemoths, but one outclasses them all. “There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.” –Paul Gauguin […]
Physicists finds evidence from just after the Big Bang that supports the controversial holographic universe theory.
Sam Harris talks with David Deutsch about how modern people are already living like astronauts.
It might be the nearest supernova humanity will ever see. What will happen when it goes off? “Without these supernova explosions, there are no mist-covered swamps, computer chips, trilobites, Mozart or […]
How sure are we that what we’re looking at is cosmic, rather than galactic? “Every philosophy also conceals a philosophy; every opinion is also a hideout, every word also a […]
A proto-consciousness field theory could replace the theory of dark matter, one physicist states.
If all we had were hydrogen and helium after the Universe were born, we wouldn’t be here today. “The discovery of deuterium and the marked differences in the physical and chemical […]
Conceptual artist Jonathon Keats proposes neuroscience-based fashion.
NASA scientists discover what two places in the solar system might have favorable conditions for alien life.
Why Saturn’s Iapetus has three great mysteries… and we’ve only solved one of them. “The dance between darkness and light will always remain — the stars and the moon will always need the […]