The innovative airline introduces, automatic check-in designed to reduce wait times and ease traveler’s pre-flight routines.
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By most scientific accounts, the world’s governments have been too slow to react to climate change. The idea of slowing economic growth to combat carbon emissions has proven too unpalatable.
Near the constellation Coma Berenices, some 63 million light-years away, is NGC 4651, a spiral galaxy about the size of our Milky Way. Extending 100 thousand light-years past its galactic […]
Roads, pavements, and other impervious surfaces, cover 112,610 square kilometers in the US alone, which is almost exactly the size of my home country – Bulgaria. According to these calculations […]
From self-parking cars to voice-recognition software on smartphones, the ability of individual machines to learn from collected sets of data is the forefront of artificial intelligence research.
From atoms to solar systems to galaxies, everything seems to have rotation and revolution. Where does that come from? Image credit: Fermilab / DOE / Dark Energy camera; Dark Energy […]
For just 99 cents, you can contribute images, text, audio, or video clips to be included in a Mars-bound spacecraft that will await the arrival of future astronauts, greeting them with your message once they’ve landed.
With a $20,000 check and instructions to bring back “some good paintings” from friend and financier Dr. Albert C. Barnes, American artist William Glackens set off for Paris in 1912 with carte blanche to buy the very best modern art he could find. Long a champion and connoisseur of European and American modernism, Glackens sent back to Barnes 33 works by now-renowned artists such as Paul Cézanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent Van Gogh that helped shape the collection that eventually became The Barnes Foundation.
Clean energy. GREEN energy. Energy that can solve global warming. Environmentalists are all for it. And as a direct result, no matter what the benefits, conservatives are absolutely against it. […]
A British submarine may be the first to test quantum locational technology capable of measuring an object’s relative position 1,000 times more accurately than current GPS.
Engineering students at Olin College spent 3 months and a $250 budget to construct a face-tracking marshmallow shooter nicknamed the Confectionery Cannon.
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is on the hunt for an icy world just beyond Pluto. The speedy New Horizons spacecraft will be visiting Pluto next year, and NASA scientists are […]
Happy Fourth of July weekend, and happy birthday to the United States of America, a wonderful country that, despite its problems, offers so much, including a legal system that insures […]
NEW YORK – In his review of Nina Munk’s error-filled and out-of-date book, Bill Gates oddly abandons the rigorous approach to measurement and evaluation that defines his foundation’s invaluable work. […]
By installing the Rainhouse system, which includes a roof made of “bioconcrete,” every rainfall can produce drinking water for the building’s inhabitants. Its designers say that the technology can fit any size of building, from a factory to a home.
“War is simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means,” Carl von Clausewitz wrote in his famous book on battle strategy, On War. Many misquote that […]
Syracuse is adding itself to a growing list of cities that want to remove highways running through urban centers. Cities such as Milwaukee and San Francisco successfully tore down highways and ushered in an age of urban development and renewal.
Factory farming, eating meat, Internet porn, overprescribing antibiotics, obesity, the maintenance of nuclear weapon stockpiles: these are just some of the reasons that future generations may criticize the morals of our present society.
I’m all about high risk investments. Most of my money is held shorting pork belly futures. But I recently made some space to invest in the future brand value of […]
A huge percentage of our Universe is blocked by the plane of our own Milky Way. Here’s how we’re finally seeing what’s there! “I am undecided whether or not the […]
As researchers investigate the broad scope of anti-Greek litigation, the country is left to wonder “are fraternities more trouble than they’re worth?” Finding the answer requires a glimpse into America’s Greek Life culture.
Kluger discusses why narcissists excel in politics and rates the narcissism of those who have called the White House home.
NEW YORK – If the world is to solve the climate-change crisis, we will need a new approach. Currently, the major powers view climate change as a negotiation over who […]
Do you remember where you were when you first heard of this thing called the Internet? Do you remember how this technology—email, search engines—gradually took over your life, or perhaps […]
In the last decade, the business and technology worlds have become obsessed with the science of the mind. The thinking goes as follows: if we understand the mind, in all […]
Rising health costs and an aging workforce have encouraged employers to adopt or expand wellness programs aimed at boosting the health of employees.
The meters, which roll out later this year, represent the city’s latest attempt to control air pollution. Drivers of electric cars will get to park for free, while those with diesel cars should probably consider taking public transportation.
Mars One, the Dutch non-profit that last year sent out a call for volunteers for a one-way mission to Mars, is now accepting proposals for science experiments to be sent in payloads to the red planet by 2018.
A new startup offers a solution to the problem of urban congestion: Collect data from transit programs, calculate estimated peak travel times, and offer rewards to commuters who avoid those periods.
“Should economists be advocates or engineers?” asks Noah Smith. Tradeoffs reveal how reliably they perform as either. Smith worries that his trade’s “engineering” aspects are being sacrificed for “political advocacy” […]