If just the thought of spending time with Aunt Gladys makes you want to imbibe a straight quart of Everclear, it may be prudent to prep yourself for the morning after.
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Emerging marijuana conglomerates will use the same tactics as Big Tobacco to sell addictive substances to any market it can, including minors, argues former Rhode Island Congressman Patrick Kennedy.
Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) v Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, a case involving a Muslim woman whose headscarf, or hijab, disqualified […]
Dr. David Newman, together with his team, has developed a simple information tool, called the NNT, that allows doctors and researches to communicate more clearly to patients and the general public, the effectiveness of different treatments.
And you thought black holes were terrifying. Meet WR 104. The verdict is still out at NASA whether the WR 104 supernova can destroy our planet one day. In the […]
The best advisors for surviving the road are those who make their living on it. Actress Stefanie O’Connell advocates for her system of frugal/healthy eating while on tour.
Occupying a place of higher social status keeps you healthier and more resistant to disease, even without the trappings of wealth and power which we normally associate with status.
If a scientific theory can never be “100% proven,” how can we know what’s true? “Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed […]
How our own minds work is hard to see. As with almost everything else our views are shaped by the ideas our culture uses. Here are some once-tempting views about why we do what we know we will rue (tales of sin, vice and bad decisions).
We’ve learned more about comets than ever before thanks to it. But we would’ve learned a lot more, if not for one unfounded fear. “Every dreamer knows that it is […]
It’s what holds the nuclei in atoms together, overcoming electric repulsion. But how does it work? “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say […]
Tech entrepreneur Brad Templeton returns to Big Think to discuss how Bitcoin disrupts the finance industry.
The Twitter discussion about Ferguson is as polarized and entrenched as the online discussion of Israel and Palestine, according to statistician Emma Pierson.
If everything began with a Big Bang and is expanding, is there a center? “I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out […]
When researchers presented canines with odors of other dogs, food, and their human masters, it was the scent of humans that excited dogs the most.
The holidays mean feasts with lots of food. But how are we able to eat so much and what makes us crash after we’re full? Biologist, Christina Agapakis, has the answers.
Rather than clear arable land for solar power farms, engineers have proposed using the millions of square miles of roadway and parking lots to gather in solar energy.
The Sun is made almost entirely out of hydrogen and helium; the Earth has hardly any of either. How’d that happen? “The single most powerful element of youth is our […]
Described by some as “the salmon cannon,” a suction-based transportation system developed by Whooshh Innovations makes transporting fish incredibly easy.
If we ate fewer calories we would reduce harmful farming and industrial practices, and begin treating animals more ethically.
You won’t believe this view of the far side — and the Earth — until you see it. “When I look at the moon I do not see a hostile, empty world. I see […]
The severity of a given climate strongly correlates with the extent to which a god intervenes directly in human affairs and supports a clear moral code.
Wearables are underutilized. These fitness devices have the means to prevent illness before it starts by notifying doctors when a patient isn’t practicing a healthy regimen.
Scientists have broaden the criteria for what makes a planet hospitable. Researchers dispute that even if a planet were tilted on its side, it could sustain life, so long as its surface is covered in water.
If String Theory has nothing to do with reality, what are our options? “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all […]
Foraging for your own food sounds like a nice idea. But without years of study, it could be quite dangerous if you’re just setting out with a romanticized view of “living off the land.”
By scaling its already formidable storage and computational capacities, Google plans to store individuals’ genomes in the cloud so they can be analyzed en masse by healthcare researchers.
Your Kindle software update may have already updated the fonts and graphics on your device, but did you know that a new feature will now allow you to treat e-books like real books and give you the ability to share them with your family members?
Daniel Dennett: An Introduction to Intuition Pumps Daniel Dennett, one of the best-known living philosophers and a professor at Tufts University, believes it’s time to unmask the philosopher’s art and […]
The Universe we see isn’t exactly the Universe that is. How do we translate? “On a cosmic scale, our life is insignificant, yet this brief period when we appear in […]