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You searched for: Systems
If String Theory has nothing to do with reality, what are our options? “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all […]
Daniel Dennett: An Introduction to Intuition Pumps Daniel Dennett, one of the best-known living philosophers and a professor at Tufts University, believes it’s time to unmask the philosopher’s art and […]
The way we understand the world is mediated by our five senses: touch, taste, sound, smell, and sight. Right? Well it turns out that humans have more than fives senses.
Why are there so many climate change deniers when there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that prove its existence? Researchers have looked into the psychology of this thought process and found our need for security will always trump the facts.
The Universe we see isn’t exactly the Universe that is. How do we translate? “On a cosmic scale, our life is insignificant, yet this brief period when we appear in […]
Cesar Chavez described his life’s work in his “What the Future Holds” speech from 1984:
“All my life, I have been driven by one dream, one goal, one vision: to overthrow a farm labor system in this nation that treats farm workers as if they were not important human beings. Farm workers are not agricultural implements; they are not beasts of burden to be used and discarded.”
You, at this precise moment, are doing at least two things that show… “It is in our first nature to need second natures.” These second natures give us access to a behavioral toolkit that is nowhere in our genes.
NASA represents a full 50% of the world’s expenditures on space science & exploration. What should we expect from it? “This Administration has never really faced up to where we […]
If you grew up in the 80s/90s, relive the joy of the seasonal promise of a great new video game! “Devote yourself, but do not lose who you are!” –Marvel […]
A dark period from the past of psychiatry risks being forgotten, we can’t allow that to happen.
Either there’s an unseen source of mass, or the laws of gravity are wrong. But only one can explain what we see. “The discrepancy between what was expected and what […]
An alarmingly high number of young people in urban areas have been victims of drug assault. Unfortunately, adequate statistics and records of incidents are neither being sought nor kept.
Created during the 1980s to serve as a bridge between PG and R, the MPAA’s PG-13 rating has become a joke, says film critic Chris Klimek. He argues that shooting for a PG-13 rating promotes artistic conservatism and draconian content standards.
Ayah Bdeir had a dream – take electronics out of the hands of experts and large companies and put them in the hands of ordinary people in order to make […]
All things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually the best. But we don’t all agree on what “simple” means. “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” –Amelia […]
This International Women’s Day, celebrate Henrietta Leavitt, who took us beyond the stars and into the galaxies. “Her will tells nearly all. She left an estate worth $314.91, mostly in […]
The way the Universe has unfolded, to bring us about in this moment, has been remarkable. Be thankful for it all. “We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are […]
In the future robotic utopia, grandma and grandpa will have electronic helpers around the house to fold the laundry, collect the dirty dishes, or straighten a necktie.
The Universe looks bizarre: a plethora of galaxies, many clusters, but very little bigger than that. What made it so? “We are incredibly heedless in the formation of our beliefs, […]
The data automatically stored on your portable devices can easily be used to uncover your personal secrets, says electronic security expert Bruce Schneier.
Lessons from the Universe whenever a light goes out. “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain […]
As the Hubble Space Telescope nears its 25th anniversary, it never stops amazing us. “That I learned even as a three year-old that I see this world that is really […]
Building and sustaining a strong office culture requires frequent assessments of the emotional climate. Keeping tabs on how your employees feel (and fixing things when they’re down) will boost productivity and decrease turnover.
Forget nine lives; if one interpretation of quantum mechanics is right, the cat might have an infinite number of them. Observers are the necessary, but unliked, bouncers in the elegant […]
Filmmaker Sanjay Rawal discusses Food Chains, his new documentary investigating the plight of a group of farm workers in Southern Florida who have fought for fair food standards.
All the stars in the night sky are bound in the Milky Way galaxy, just one of billions in the Universe. Here’s the story of where they come from. “The […]
Maintaining both a personal and professional presence online requires both a delicate touch and an understanding that lines are inevitably going to become blurred.
For more than six years, Clara Boj and Diego Diaz have been developing a solution that enables kids to simultaneously enjoy the physical and virtual worlds of play. Their invention, HYBRIDPLAY, turns playground objects into game controllers and teaches kids how to work collaboratively.